• 𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐠𝐚 𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐢 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐮 𝐧𝐞 • [Kocho Shinobu]

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This was requested by velcroe . I'm sorry if this is delayed because you know I've gone hiatus for about 4 months I think? And you might even been shocked that I you requested it. So here it is and I hope I make it up for it~

It is also gender neutral.

"I-I can't breathe..." you thought as you were trying hard to breathe as you could

"Just a little more... I can see it" you slowly walked with your wobbly legs towards the insect pillar's mansion

"Just a little... I can see her" and then you finally reached at the entrance. You inhaled and exhaled before you yelled right next on the entrance, trying your best to call out for her.

"Shi-Shinobu-chan~!" You somehow managed to chirp her name out.

"Shi... Shino—" you couldn't call her out again and collapsed in front of the entrance. You tried to open your eyes weakly

Right after you were collapsed, the insect pillar finally came. She was slowly walking towards you while lecturing you.

"Ne... what did I said about having 'chan' at the end of my name (y/n)-sa—" she was cutted off when she saw your body lying on the ground while your blood was dripping down.

"(Y/n)!" She called out then your eyes finally closed.


You heard loud noises outside... like someone's training. You slowly opened your eyes and saw a familiar ceiling, you started to look around and it seems like no one's around.

You sat down on your bed while leaning your back on the wall, and suddenly someone came in.

You saw Aoi with a tray full of fresh new bandages and medicine. When she saw you, she stiffened for a little while before she put down the tray at the nearest bed then she exited the room.

"E-Eh?" You thought kind of disappointed since she left you alone once again. You looked your body and noticed that your physique kind of slimmed down.

A couple of minutes later you saw the door opened once again revealing the insect hashira or what you called girlfriend of yours.

When she entered the room, you thought she was calm but then you saw her deadly smile.

"You can leave now" she simply said to Aoi then the door shut leaving the deadly hashira and you alone.

You gulped of what she'll do to you or what she'll tell you.

"Yo... Shinobu-chan~" you nervously chirped to lighten up the mood. She didn't replied but she walking towards you, slowly with her smile still plastered on her face.

"There's seems to have a lot of v-visitors today, right? It's qu-quite noisy... you see" you tried to come up with conversation so that she'll remove that smiling death threat of hers.

"B-But it's nice to have this en-environment " after that you let out a nervous laugh before she's finally right in front of you.

"Ne..." she started

"Y-Yes ma'am!" You responded like it was the end of your life

"What did I said about '-chan' at the end of my name?"

"I-uh.. you didn't say anything about that ha-ha!" You replied but all you recieved was world ending smile of hers. You gulped before you said

"Y-Yes ma'am I would never do it agai—" you were cutted off when she flicked your forehead.

"That's for adding it on my name" she said

"A-Ow.." then you touched your forehead to ease the pain . When you were doing this Shinobu suddenly hugged you. You stiffened up a bit before you could even react.

"I was afraid..." she blurted out after hugging you.

"I thought that you'll leave me just like my sister" you looked at her and saw her face... she was frightened.

"You're the only one I have and I'm scared if I lose you too"

Without even thinking about it you touched her face and caressed it.

"I'm not going anywhere Shinobu" you said but when it finally came into your senses for what you did, you quickly removed your hand on a speed of light.

"Uuhh.." you avert your eyes to something else.

"You got some sweaty hands right there (y/n)-san. That's why I don't want to hold hands with you" she commented

"Well sorry about that!" You exclaimed

"But I can manage as long as its yours" she softly said which leaves you being surprised.


"Tsuki ga kirei desu ne? (The moon is beautiful)" She said while looking at the window where there's a moon radiating from above

"Soudane (you're right)" you agreed while looking at the window. While the both of you looking at the window you slowly held her hand and intertwined with each other

"And I love you too"
Sorry for OOC and also trivia!!

In Japan the other term for 'tsuki ga kirei desu ne' is confessing your love or it means I love you. In case you don't know.

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