• 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 • [Giyuu Tomioka & Rengoku Kyoujurou]

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YES YES YES! I'M BACK AND THIS IS A RIVAL LOVEE~ I kinda like this idea! It's so unique. Also it was requested by funkopop19 I hope you'll love it~

Btw, it is still an xreader ok? It's not yaoi ( ̄ω ̄;)

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! (Y/n)!" A booming voice could be heard in a distance. Someone was calling out your name, and who it might be?

You were just walking, heading to the demon corps headquarters were all Hashiras must attend because Ubayashiki summoned them. It was not an urgent meeting so you thought to yourself

'eh.. let's chill and walk'

Yep, what a lazy hashira you are (y/n).

You turned around only to see the flame hashira himself, Rengoku Kyoujurou.

You and Kyoujurou were like... mostly polar opposites.

The flame pillar itself is so passionate to his duty while you the light pillar--- well, not much.

You waved your hand and greeted him.

"Good morning Rengoku-san" you smiled. The flame pillar also waved at you and gave a heart-warming smile.

"Good morning (y/n)!"

"Why are so hyped up ? It's like six o'clock in the morning" you asked while a small yawn escaped your lips.

"Well because I got the time to see you ofcourse!" He let out his signature laugh with his arms crossed. He started to walk while you were standing on the same spot for a second.

You felt your heart starting to beat fast as the temperature around you started to feel hot. You started to fan yourself to somehow cool you down .

' Ok, (y/n) this is just how Rengoku-san always acts. Cool down' You thought. You finally calmed yourself as you deeply breath.

You were a huge fan of him , well when you're not a hashira. You were inspired by his outstanding skills that always amazes you everytime .

His laugh, oh his laugh! His signature laugh that always gets you all the time. You can feel reassurance and calmness but at the same time you can feel your heart beating rapidly.

You are still a fan of him but it got lesser because you thought that maybe he'll find out and it might be the end of you.

You are scared for no communication.

"(Y/n)?" Rengoku looked back and you lifted your head up

"Ah yes!" You caught up and the both of you walked silently towards the demon corps' headquarters.

The both of you finally reached the headquarters. Some of the other Hashiras were there and some of them don't. But someone caught your eye and it's the water pillar, Giyuu Tomioka.

Giyuu was standing on the corner with his arm rested on the handle of his Nichirin Blade with his eyes focused on something else.

You went towards him leaving the flame pillar. You stood in front of him as you waved. Of course he didn't do the same, so you greeted instead.

"Good morning Tomioka-san" you put your hands on your back as you flashed a smile , hoping to notice you.

Giyuu's sight was finally into you. He looked at you for a second before he finally spoke.

"Good morning"

"I'm amazed how you can mantain your eyes open" you said to keep the conversation going.

You somehow see yourself on the water pillar when you're new to the atmosphere of being a pillar. So you want to communicate with him as possible.

Surprisingly he answers you back, but just some small responses. But you thought all it matters is that he can talk to you.

By the way, as possible you don't want to be like Shinobu who always get on Giyuu's nerves or he'll ended up not talking to you.

He didn't answered but just looked at you instead. He place his hand on your cheeck as he caressed it.

"Uh-- T-Tomioka-san?"

He went closer to your face, and you don't know what to do so you just shut your eyes waiting for the kiss that you're waiting for.

You waited but it didn't came. You slowly opened your eyes only to see Tomioka looking at your cheeks.

"There's a stain there. I just wiped it" he said and removed his hand on your cheeks.

"O-Okay.." you turned around only to hide your embarrassed face. Oh dear..

You don't have any romantic feeling at all towards the water pillar. It's just a hashira relationship. But, his sudden moves sure makes you suprise that makes you started to like him too.

You always thought for yourself

'(Y/n), it's normal. A hashira to hashira relationship , right?'

That's what you always think everytime your heart skips a beat.

"(Y/n)?" Tomioka called. You immediately turned around

"Yes?" You answered

"Nothing.." you were left in confusion and you just nodded for the response before you headed back to the flame pillar who's patiently waiting you on the same spot you left for Tomioka.

"Ah! Sorry sorry" you clasped your hand and kept on bowing to Rengoku.

He let out a smile while his arms crossed.

"It's alright (y/n)!" He then let out a laugh.

"You sure?"

"Yes! Certainly" with thag answer of the flame pillar itself, you nodded and headed to your other friend. The insect pillar--- Shinobu Kocho.

Shinobu was watching the sidelines, while she was talking with the stone pillar. A smile started to form to her face while you were talking to the two pillars.

Back to where you were going towards Shinobu, she waved her hand a little before she smiled and greeted.

"Good morning (y/n)-san"

You greeted back as you gave a small hug to the brunette with purple ends on her hair.

The insect pillar waved to the stone pillar before she went on your side.

Shinobu was the first friend when you ranked upto Hashira. Somehow she calms you down whenever the two of you talks.

"I saw what you did there (y/n)-san" Shinobu started and you were in confusion.

"Huh?" You replied

"The two of them seems to have a good terms on you "

"Which two?" You asked before Shinobu pointed them. It was the flame pillar and the water pillar .

"Good terms... you mean friends?" With that answer of yours, Shinobu was done.

"I didn't mean like that, you know more than friends?" He asked you once again but then again you andwered with

"Best friends?"

Shinobu mentally facepalmed while her face was showing a full-smile.

"It doesn't have the 'friend' on it. It's where two persons joined by one" shinobu said. With that, you finally understood.

"WHA- NO!" You shouted so loud that all Hashiras faced towards you.

"Ara ara~ your face seems to have tints of pink " she leaned on you while you were pushing her away while facing to the opposite direction, for her not to fully notice.

"Shut.. up"

"Rengoku-san always makes you somehow smile, he is willing to give all of his effort for you to be happy while Tomioka-san only talks to you which is very rare. He's always to take risk for you to be safe, like on a mission" Shinobu said

"Now (y/n), who would you choose?"

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