• 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐬 • [Giyuu Tomioka]

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"Oww, that is a tiring day" I placed my Nichirin Blade on its place and dropped my haori on the ground. I straightly plopped myself on the cold wooden floor

"Ahh, home sweet home" I said and do some stretches while I'm lying.

I just came from a tiring week from mission. Hell, that was so hectic.

We hunt down a demon on a village wherein he targets children. Yes, only children for some reason.

I was not the only one on that mission, I got Giyuu my partner or what we so called boyfried of mine.

Well, Giyuu is a kind of guy who's overprotective. Why? Well whenever I see some other demons lurking around he was always right beside me and doing his swinging things then viola!! The demon has been slain.

I felt kind of useless on that week so I roamed around the area to search some demons lurking around. It was hard at first to escape him but I succeeded and at last I found one demon.

It was just a kid. Since I got a soft side for kids (even for demons ones) I killed it with the most beautiful and less painful form I had, which turns out it to be a bad idea.

The kid was the most powerful one of all. He had a former mark of a lower moon four. Then we battled until I was full scratches and cuts but I can still manage. Suddenly a familiar waves interrupted our battle and it's none other Giyuu himself.

He positioned himself infront of me while his free hand was guarding me. His Nichirin Blade pointed into the opponent then he asked this..

"Are you hurt?" I simply touched my arms on the large cut so far, then he faced the opponent.

In a split second he attack the kid with his water breathing form and its head had been chopped off. He sheathe his Nichirin Blade and went towards me and looked at my body.

"You are covered with scratches and even cuts" he said and grabbed my arm and dragged me .

"W-Where are we going?" I asked but he didn't answered.

"You know you're hurting me?" I said once again but he didn't bother to look at me or stop from what he was doing.

Actually Giyuu was not the only one there. There were some demon hunters who's investigating and aiding the humans who had involved to the situation.

When he saw some lower rank demon hunter he loosen his grip and called him.

"Here, take her away from here." He bluntly said not even bothering to check the status of the area

"Hold on just a sec! I'm not going anywhere!" I demanded while crossing my arms. He looked at me before he leave not even saying anything

"Miss (l/n)? Can we?" He asked when he poked my shoulder

"No, let him be. You can continue your task and I'll handle this" I replied and catched up to Giyuu

"Woi! Wait up" I called while running towards him.. damn, he's so quick even when he walks

He didn't even bother look and continued , he even walked faster than before until I gave up and stopped

For the past few days I tried to get his attention to me but he didn't notice me.. then I gave up. In the end, we didn't communicate each other so it was a quiet mission for us.

Then here I am, home in my mansion. Lying here at the cold wooden floor not even bothering to move.

A sudden knock has been heard outside. I just let it be then continued to just gaze to the ceiling. In a few minutes it became quiet. I shut my eyes and enjoyed the breeze.

My instincts tells me that someone was in the mansion so I open my eyes up to see a mismatched haori with the demon hunter uniform on. He was just leaning on the wall staring at me.

"What?" I said in monotone but he keeps on staring at me.

"Woi Tomioka!" I called then he finally noticed and just looked at me

"Are we just going to have a staring contest?" I sarcastically said then again no reply.

I waited for a couple of minutes until he moved from his spot and grabbed his sheathe and let out his Nichirin Blade

"Hold up!! Are you that mad?" I stood up and stepped back. He stepped forward which causing me to step back even more until I felt the wall behind me.

"Eek!" I closed my eyes and wait the pain of being cut, but it never came so I opened my eyes and saw a confused Giyuu.

He stood in front of me. Still holding his Nichirin Blade. His head were lowered and he grab his hair then whoosh! His hair had been cut and it was short *the pic*

"Whaat?" I said and look at him with his hair in his hand "why did you do that?" I asked

He looked at his hair then he looked at me.

"You were attacked by a demon"

"Of course! Because I am demon hunter afterall. I hunt demons and they're going to attack me" I replied.

"You were scratched, cut and even have bruises now" he looked at me with a concern look on his eyes

"Well because I fought a demon?"

"But, I let that happened" he said and sheathe his blade back.

"It cannot be avoided you know?"

"If I was there. You wouldn't been hurt" he lean forward and caressed my cheek

"That's why I didn't talked to you the past few days because I think that I'm not worthy for you. You're mine but I can't even protect what's mine. I'm a pillar that protects humans but I can't protect the one I truly loves most. " he stopped caressing and looked down.

"I don't deserve you (y/n). I'm weak. I shou-" I cut him off with a peck on his lips. Due to this action he looked at me with a suprised look at his face

"W-What? " I said and looked at the another direction when I got the courage, I look at him still having that suprised look at his face

"You are worthy Giyuu, I mean I wouldn't you pick if you aren't right?" I plastered a smile which cause him to smile also.

"Don't say anything like that ok? " he didn't replied but he gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"(Y/n), the reason I cut my hair is the symbol that I will protect you no matter what happen. I'll always come to your aid" he said.

After that I lean forward and gave him kiss that didn't last that long

"Aim for the lips next time " I winked

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