• 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 • [Muichiro Tokito]

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This was requested by hannasarah165 , I know it took awhile but I hope you'll like it ~

"I don't want to remember what happened between us"

Muichiro told (y/n) as she passed through (y/n) that makes (y/n) speechless. Her mouth was opened in agape as she turned around to see Muichiro's body slowly becoming out of reach.

How could this even happened?


It was just sunrise and being a morning person you are, you woke up early than the others. (Sana ol)

You were walking through the streets, greeting each everyone of them then an idea suddenly popped up on your head.

You tried to call your boyfriend out loud on the streets.

Why you asked?

Because you wanted to.

And with that reason of yours makes you do your stupidiest idea.

You inhaled deeply and you called him with all of your might.

"Mui!!" You called, repeating his name over and over again.

While calling your boyfriend to the loudest voice you can, you sure woke up everyone. You sure did your job as an alarm clock.

"Keep your voice lower!" A person yelled

"Shut up! Go back to sleep" another person once again told you.

Due to their complaints, you suddenly felt embarrassed of what you just did and loudly apologized to everyone. Right after you apologized, a familiar long black hair with some mint green on the tips of it appeared infront of you. Yes, it was the mist pillar — Muichiro Tokito.

"Oh you're finally here!" You chirped then you clasped your hands. You sure do like when your boyfriend is around, he kind of lights up your world and makes your day complete.

He raised his right hand above on his shoulder and smiled at you. "Good morning (y/n)-san" he greeted with his morning voice of his. He rubbed his eyes as he let out a cute yawn.

His hair was all messed up with his morning hair and he was just wearing his night clothes. (sorry, I don't know what they're called , but do inform me so I can change it ASAP). Seeing his form right infront of you makes you squeal due to the adorableness he's giving you, but you thought to yourself

'I have to conceal it'

"G-Glad you're finally here! I prepared breakfast for you at my house. You want to join?" You asked praying to accept your offer.

It was seconds before Muichiro could answer.

"Sure, why not?" When those escaped on his lips, you didn't even think and grab his hand and hurriedly went to your house.

While you were grabbing Muichiro's hand, you accidentally intertwined your fingers with his which made Muichiro stay silent all the way to your house.

When the two of you reached your destination you felt your hand was squeezed. You lift your hand and saw your fingers intertwined with his. You processed before you finally let go his hand.

"I'm s-so sorry! I didn't mean it" you bowed and apologized several times. Muichiro looked at you for a second and faced on the other way, making sure his hair was covering his face.

"I-It's okay" he replied. You lifted your face up and went to your little kitchen.

"I liked it though..." he mumbled .

"Hmm? What is it?" You asked as if Muichiro was saying something.

"N-Nothing! Nothing.." he raised both of his hands through the air as he shaked his head along with his hands.

"Really? You don't want anything?" You once again asked but he just shaked his head for his reply.

"I want your hand" he thought while fidgeting his fingers.

After that you both ate together, in your little house.

Days had passed or even months, and mornings were the same as usual.

Some days Muichiro wasn't present when he had missions, but he always make it up to you when he got back like... he stays at your small house for a couple of days, makes something cute just for you, hugs you even when everytime he does it he gets embarrassed, and also kisses your hands as he gave his genuine smile which you surely want to squel due to his cuteness. You are just contented of how it is.

But this time, something isn't right.

It was evening, and you're expecting for him to come back in your arms as you waited patiently outside.

You hummed your favorite tune as you rested your chin on your palm. After a few moments of patiently waiting him, you saw a familiar crow stopped infront of you.

"Baka! Baka!" That's what it just said before the crow flew once again. You were left dumbfounded, and after that you saw the demon hunters' uniform and a black hair boy with mint green tips.

You saw a tired expression look on his face, and also it was covered with blood. You didn't even waste time to run towards him.

He noticed your presence and his face somehow lights up. When you are finally infront of him, you asked.

"Are you okay?! Did you got hurt?"

He just shaked his head for his response before he walked towards your home, followed by you.

While you were following him, he stopped right infront of the door. He took a deep breathe before he faced you.

"This would be the last time I'll come here" he said plainly. Your eyes got wider, and your mind went completely blank .

"E-eh?" That's all you replied

"You'll going to get in my way. This is a better solution" he explained then he started to walk away.

"I don't want to remember what happened between us" that's all he said before Muichiro passed through you. You couldn't even utter a word and your mouth was just left in agape. You turned around hoping that he'll also turn back, but he didn't. He became out of reach.

But little did you know that he badly want to turn around and hug you and tell you that he doesn't really mean it. But he mustered up his courage and didn't look back, afterall it's for your own good.

Back to his mission, a demon threatened Muichiro that it will track down you until it devours you. At first, Muichiro didn't believe it but he was out numbered. That's why he did this for you and couldn't be tracked down and also for you not to be threatened ever again.

It is sure that it's painful for his part, but if its for you, he could make himself separate from you.

He will do everything for your own good.
Sorry if it's a shtty chapter, I just tried to do some angst...  (-ω-、)

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