• 𝐕𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 • [Sabito]

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This was requested by Shadowgirl_Demon. I hope you'll like it~

And holy cow, Sabito is hot on that pic~ and menn I enjoyed this chapter haha!
"Nee, Sabito let's stroll" I requested when we reached Urokodaki-san's little house.

It's our free time or our vacation. Sabito, Makomo, Giyuu, Tanjiro and I decided to visit Urokodaki-san since he does not have anyone to be with. Afterall he took as all when we were abandoned.

"Hello!! Urokodaki-san??" Tanjiro called then Giyuu opened the door of Urokodaki-san's revealing no person was inside. We didn't wait any second and entered his house.

"Woii! Sabito??" I called as I poke his haori to notice me, but I failed.

"Makomo!! You can still see me right?! I'm not invisible.. am I?" I went to Makomo to check my existence if I'm living or not. Waving my hand infront of her face.

"Yes I can see you (y/n)-chan" she chuckled

"Then why Sabito acting like I wasn't" I crossed my arms and pouted

Actually, Sabito and I were like bestfriends ever since we were the pupils of Urokodaki-san. When Giyuu was not like that today, he usually teases us since we were always together whenever we go.

Unfortunately we aren't like that anymore. Things changed. Everybody got busy and has their own lives so we don't have that time to bond. And when Okayata-sama gave us a vacation, we took this chance to be reunited with our master Urokodaki-san.

"You seem fine to me (y/n)-san. " Tanjiro said and he let down of his sibling Nezuko to a corner. "Maybe Sabito doesn't want to talk" he added

I got silent for a minute and felt the atmosphere.

"Mmm.. maybe you're right" I dropped my luggage and did some stretches

"Well then, I'm going to stroll by myself " after that I went out and climb a tree which Sabito and I usually climbed it when we were little. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the breeze of the cold air.

"(Y/n)!!" Someone called on the ground. I didn't bother to look of who it is so I continued of what I'm doing. A few minutes later, I felt the tree shaked a little so I openened my eyes only to see a familiar fox mask.

"W-Wha! You scared me, geez" I was shocked and I thought I was going to fall.

"Now you've notice me" he said still wearing his mask

"Harhar, I just did what you've did to me.. Sabito" I lift his mask up revealing his beautiful face even though he has a scar.

"You really took it seriously this time, huh? He sat on a branch above me and removed his mask.

I didn't answered, it was full of silence. In a couple of minutes Sabito began to move. He stand up and moved to where I'm sitting on which causes the branch to move.

"Woi! Careful would you?" I said but he just gave me a smile.

"(Y/n)! Let's stroll?" He asked. I looked at him first then looked away

"Wow, you just really think that I would accept that?" I sarcastically replied

"So... you don't wanna–"

"Kidding! Come on let's go?" I said and went down, followed by him.

"(Y/n)-chan, Sabito what do you want for lunch?" Makomo suddenly appeared beside me. And that wasn't suprising since she does this all the time

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