• 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡 • [Sanemi Shinazugawa]

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So yes it was also requested by funkopop19 , I hope you'll like it as well~

He cherishes you so much

" 'Nemi! " a woman called from a distance. The wind pillar itself would turn around, only to see a demon hunter running towards him with her arms wide open.

"Catch" with that statement, you jumped so high causing the wind pillar's arms to open wide for him to catch you.

Without of you thinking, you closed your eyes and put your trust to your partner. Of course, he would catch you--- midair.

When he finally caught you, he would enveloped his arms around you to sure you wouldn't get hurt.

He cherishes you so much, more than everything and anyone on this world. So he would be overprotective to you.

When Sanemi reached the ground, he wouldn't easily let you go. Instead, he would embrace you more like he wouldn't let go.

But.. he just do this when the two of you are alone.

"Uh.. Sanemi?" You tapped his shoulder only to notice him closed eyed while his chin resting on your shoulder.

"Hmm?" He hummed

You didn't replied, until the wind pillar reacted.

"A-Uh.. you're so careless as fuck (y/n)! " he let you go "What if I didn't catch you ?" He avoided your gaze while tints of pink can be seen on his face

"Well, I just know that you'll catch me anyways." You let out a smile that made the wind pillar's heart thump.

Sanemi would turn around for you to not see his blushed face

" 'Nemi?" You would attempt to look at him, but he'll immediately covered his face.

"What's wrong?" You asked trying your best to see his face

"N-Nothing! F-Fuck off"

With that, he can hear a giggle coming from you and he'll immediately look at you.


"I-I'M NOT WOMAN!" He yelled at you. Your giggles would still be heard so he'll face you with his reddening face of his.

You stopped your giggling when you noticed that he was starting to get closer to you, until your bodies were so close.

You gave a confused look--- but at the same time, your face was also heating up.

"W-What are you doing?" You asked. He didn't answered, all he did was slowly leaning on you with his eyes half-closed.

In your own reflexes you shut your eyes before his lips would reach to yours, waiting for the sweet kiss given by him.

You waited.

But it didn't came.

So you opened your eyes.

By the time you opened it, Sanemi smashed his lips to yours.

You were of course shocked at first, didn't know what to do. So, you can't kiss back. But after awhile, you reacted as you closed your eyes savoring the sweet kiss that Sanemi's giving you.

The two of you fought for dominance, but guess what? --- Sanemi always wins.

With that your faces parted with a thin line of saliva connecting to the both of you. The both of you panted, you wiped your lips after.

You looked at Sanemi with a smirk look on his face that somehow turns you on.

"W-What?" You asked

"I got you (y/n), you're blushing" his smirk turned into a smile that damn, it makes you lost.

But of course he would do this when the two of you are alone.


He is willing to take risks just for you

"ALL OF YOU FALL BACK!" The supposed to be leader of the group yelled.

You were on a mission and your group encountered a demon. The lower moon four to be exact. It devours a lot of humans--- especially demon hunters.

It is surely out of your league but you tried to attack it--- and you failed. Now, you were all falling back more like running for your lives.

The demon hunters were falling---dying from one by one until it was your turn, the demon was in front of you.

You gulped. Cold sweats forming, as your heart starting to beat rapidly.

"Hello there~ you are the last but not the least dearie! Hoping you don't mind to devour you" the demon flashed a smile.

"You sure have a beautiful face you got there. You wouldn't mind if I take it, right~?" Her claws were starting to reach you. You looked away only to wait the pain that she'll give you. When her claws started digging on your face, she stopped midway.

"Marechi?" She sniffed the air as she looked all over the place. She removed on you leaving your face all bloody. In a split second, an arm was behind your back.

"This sure loved by these fucking demons" a familiar voice said that makes you somehow in ease.

You turned around only to see the wind pillar who is also known as your boyfriend right behind you.

" Sanemi?" You weakly said. When Sanemi looked at you, his eyes were full of concern.

"She'll pay" he murmured as he slowly removed his arm around you.

"YOU LIKE THIS HUH?!" Sanemi cutted himself more resulting more blood coming out from him.

"M-Marechi.." that's all lower demon four said before he attacked the pillar.

In a blink of an eye, the supposed to be out of your league demon had her head sliced off.

Sanemi walked towards you and carried you on a bridal style.

"Come on, let's go home"


Sanemi is the boyfriend that you could ever wish for.

He is surely quite annoying when he is super concern to you.

He also cusses a lot, that sometimes you also inherited it

But even though he does this, you surely loves your hot-headed boyfriend the most.
Sorry for the short update though.

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