Visitant Vincent

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TRIGGER WARNING: self-harm, suicide, murder, homophobia

Synopsis: Vistiant Vincent is the schools very own urban legend. Howard considers himself a cynic and disputes his existence. That is until he has to spend an hour at the place of his death.

Now playing: Detention~Melanie Martinez

I'm not scared of Visitant Vincent, why would I be scared of something that doesn't exist? Nonetheless, I'm stood outside the isolation room, hesitating before going in.

No, don't be stupid, Moon. You look pathetic. Just go inside.

I take a deep breath and push the door open, only to be met with my I.T teacher, Mr Rhys.

"Alright, Howard? You're as white as a ghost" he spoke with a thick welsh accent

"Yeah, I'm fine" I nod

"You look scared, what's up? Are you scared that visitant vincent is gonna get you?" He teased

"No, he's not even real, he's just a made-up story made to scare us," I said defensively

"Well that's not necessarily true" he began "he's a real person-"

"What? How do you know that?"

"He was in my class at school"

"Woah, that's so weird, what was he like?"

"Well, he was nice, a bit of a loner though. He used to get picked on a lot, I reckon that's why he topped himself"

"Out of interest, when did he... You know... Kill himself?"

"it was 1976 I think. It was a Wednesday. We got a whole week off school because of it"

"Holy shit..."

"Language, Moon"


"It's okay. Anyway, because I don't believe in lines as a form of punishment so you're going to be doing
a general knowledge test"

"Okay" I nod

He hands me the papers "okay Moon, you're a good kid, and I've got some marking to do. So I'm going back to my classroom and you're gonna stay and do the test, be good and don't leave"

"Okay sir"

"Cheers, I'll check up on you in a bit. See you" he turned away and left, shutting the door

I sigh and take a seat, getting out my pencil case and picking out a pen.

I flick open the test and read a question

"True or false, the longest-running rail tunnel is the channel tunnel, connecting Britain and France"

Well if it connects two countries across a sea it would have to be the longest.


"That's false you nonce" a voice came

I practically jumped a mile, causing me to flip the paper and spill my pencil case.

The voice laughed hysterically, it belonged to a boy, about my age. He was wearing a queen shirt with one of our school blazers, decorated with badges, over it.

"Hi there" he grinned

"Where did you come from?!" I was still gasping for air

"Over there," he said gesturing to the wall

"How, it's a wall? Who even are you?!"

"I'm Vince Noir" He grinned crossing his arms and sitting on the desk next to mine.

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