Is it a stormy night in Denmark?

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Synopsis: What happened when Howard was away?

AU where Howard went to work with Jurgen Haabermaster on a movie instead of an advert.



Something felt so right about being in bed in the middle of the day.

Facing away from the door, watching raindrops hit the open windows. The room was cold, but he had two blankets and was wearing double socks.

There was noise coming from down in the shop, Naboo had asked his shaman friends over for some shaman business. Vince didn't care to ask.

Since Howard had been gone, Vince had been moping around and generally feeling sorry for himself.

He should be happy for him, Howard made it. He was doing avant-garde cinema with his favourite director, Jurgen Whatshisface.

But he wasn't happy. He wanted his friend back.

It wasn't the same, the new guy they replaced Howard with barely spoke to him and when he did they were at work.

"Vince! Can you come down?" Naboo called

Vince sighed, before calling back a "Fine" and dragged himself out of bed.

He checked himself in the mirror. He wasn't wearing makeup or hairspray, but recently that'd been normal.

He trudged downstairs.

"Alright, stranger?" Tony asked "It's been ages since I've seen you. Aren't you meant to be off in Denmark?"

"Nah, that's Howard" he mumbled flatly "Naboo, what'd you need me for?"

Naboo chucked his phone at him "Missed calls"

"Oh, thanks Naboo" he caught it and checked the notifications.

Amongst other notifications, one stood out:

Three missed calls from Howard.

"Shit off" Vince gasped, rushing out of the room and frantically scrabbling to call him back.

Howard picked up after the second ring. Vince started talking as quickly as humanly possible

"Howard- im sorry I didn't call. I just-"

"Vince, calm down. You're gonna break the sound barrier."


"It's fine. Sorry I haven't called, I've just been really busy with working on the film"

"That's okay, how's it been?"

"Almost perfect, Vince. It's been great. I just wish you here with me."

Vince sighed "I'm glad you're doing well. I was worried you'd get all homesick and stuff"

"I am a bit. I miss you and Naboo's lot. Have they all been doing okay?"

"Yeah." He nodded, finding it surprisingly hard to find the right words.

"Have they replaced me yet?"

"Yeah. Jake, or Jack or summit. Forgot his name."

"Don't you talk?"

"Not really. Nothing outside of 'pass me that pen' or 'do you want a cuppa?' "

He shook his head, even though Howard wouldn't be able to see it.

"You know, I won't be offended if you talk. You don't have to give him the cold shoulder. Though bear in mind, if you ever crimp with him, I'll kill you both and make It look like an accident."

Vince laughed "It's not that. He just reminds me of you. Like, the way you talk and dress and stuff."

"Oh. That's fair. The other day I saw a lady with a mullet and almost broke down in tears"

Vince chuckled softly "That's fair, it's a very moving haircut."

He heard Howard laugh down the line.

"I've missed you, little man."

"I've missed you too. Are you coming back for Christmas?"

"Definitely. That's actually what I rang you for"

"Christmas? That's months away"

"No, in two weeks I'll get a week's holiday."

"Wait- youre coming back to Dalston?"

"That's the plan, at least."

Vince had to practically hold himself from squealing and bouncing up and down.

"That's brilliant! When?"

"The 18th, Naboo's already got it down on the calendar"

"You already talked to him about it?"

"Yeah, I didn't wanna ask you first in case it got cancelled"

Vince grinned "I guess that's understandable. But that's amazing! I can't wait to see you again."

"I can't wait to see you too, little man" He changed the subject "Anyway, we can plan that closer to the time. How's Naboo and his lot?"

"I think they're okay; they were gathered in the shop just then, talking about summit or another."

"I'm glad they're doing okay. Anyways-" he was cut off by the sound of someone talking in the background "oh, okay. Vince, sorry, I have to go, but ill call you back once I can. Bye"

"Bye" when the phone beeped, Vince sighed.

He stood in the middle of the room for a while, mulling over what he said.

Howard was coming home soon. Granted, for two weeks, but he was still coming home for a while.

Vince put his phone in his pocket, smiling a little.

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