Sunshine will always burn.

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Now playing: songs we fall asleep to~Frank Hamilton

Request by: Mychemicaldepp  - thank you for such an adorable idea! Ily bro x

Synopsis: Howard and Vince have another fight, so there's nothing wrong with a little kissing therapy. This is literally just self-indulgent drabble with a hint of hurt/comfort. This is set after series three so bear that in mind. Howard is an icon and we love him. 


Sleeping on the sofa was always the worst. Vince didn't really want to admit he was completely under the thumb, but there he was; shivering on a leather sofa with the itchy blanket, crying his eyes out.

It wasn't even that bad of an argument, Vince had just been out too late and it pissed Howard off. But it escalated, and soon wasn't even about him staying out.

It wasn't the argument itself that hurt Vince, it was some of the stuff Howard said.

Vince snivelled softly, tears running down his face.

he wiped the tears from his face, feeling humiliated. It wasn't the fact that Howard had made him feel shitty, it was the fact that even after all of that, he wanted Howard to be with him.

When he heard the door creak open, he turned away from the person entering, sulking.

"Little man?" Howard asked softly, sitting next to him.

"Go away," Vince said, voice cracking.

His tone softened, and he grew tentative "Are you crying?"

Vince dried his eyes, sniffing "No"

Howard sighed softly, pulling Vince into a hug.

Vince pushed him away "Don't touch me!" he let out a choked sob.

That really hit Howard hard. He had told Vince not to touch him a million times but Vince had never even thought about saying it to him.

"Vince, I-" Howard put his hand out a little bit, surprised

Vince shuffled away and shut his eyes to stop them from welling up in tears again. "Just... Just don't touch me"

Howard hesitated, then nodded "okay, I understand that you probably don't want to see me right now, but I'm here to say sorry."

"That's a first for you, then," Vince said coldly  "you never apologise"

Howard wanted to correct him, but if Howard told him he was wrong again, he'd probably flip his lid.

"I know, I deserve that," he said (begrudgingly). "Though I really am. I shouldn't have freaked out so much over a little thing"

"I should have called you, I'm sorry too" he finally admit. "But you didn't need to call me all of that stuff"

"That's okay, little man. I understand" Howard smiled softly, glad that he was coming around. "But I'm sorry for saying those things, they weren't true."

Vince sighed softly and looked away, now over his initial burst of anger. "They were true, that's why I'm upset. It took you getting angry to tell me the truth"

"Vince, that's not what that was. I was frustrated at you, and I just blurted it out. I didn't mean to hurt you" Howard said softly

Vince shook his head "Even if you didn't mean to hurt me, you can't take back what you said. Because I know what you said was true. You're right, I'm immature and selfish, and I don't know how to change that." He admit through tears

"Of course you don't, but you can't change overnight. I know you want to be a better person, but to start working on yourself, you need to accept you can't be perfect. We all have our flaws, I'm far from perfect too, but I know that I always will be."

"What's your point?" Vince asked, wiping the tears from his cheeks, but letting his eyes remain bleary

"We can try and be better, but we'll never be perfect" Howard explained

"I don't want to be perfect, I just don't want to be a selfish prick"

"You aren't that selfish" Howard pointed out, met with deflection from the other man.

"How can you even say that after all the shit I've done?"

"You've made up for it, you're the sunshine kid. Sunshine will always burn people, but people don't mind because the warmth and light make up for it."

Vince sighed, "But I'm tired, Howard. I don't want to be sunshine any more." Vince admit, "People just realise what I'm really like and look for shade"

Howard was kind of impressed at how Vince had twisted the analogy, but nonetheless sympathetic.

"Vince, I know you're upset about it, but you can't change overnight. I genuinely think you've got it in your heart to become a better person, but it'll be hard. You don't even need to change but I'll support you no matter what. You're my best friend, Vince. Nothing's gonna change that" Howard reassured him

Vince, surprised at the sudden outburst, dried his eyes. "Howard, that's really sweet"

"Thanks, can I hug you now?" Howard asked.

Vince didnt say anything but nodded softly.

Howard wrapped his arm around Vince, pulling him closer.

Vince cuddled into him, curling up on the sofa in the arms of his best friend.

He mumbled another apology "I'm sorry Howard, I shouldn't have told you you were suffocating me, I just kinda felt it in the heat of the moment"

"I'm sorry too, I know that it felt like that, but I just worry about you"

"Thanks, Howard. I'm sorry." Vince said softly, cuddling into him like some sort of big northern teddy bear.

"Don't apologise, little man, you've done more than enough of that" Howard insisted, pulling Vince onto his lap and wrapping his arms around his waist.

Vince nodded softly, cuddling into him gently and looking away. He got a little lost in thought.

"Vince, let's not worry about it tonight, yeah? It's late, we should go to bed, and talk about it in the morning."

Vince nodded softly "do I still have to sleep on the sofa?"

"You didn't have to in the first place," Howard said softly, and stood up, scooping up Vince and carrying him in his arms.

Vince clung to him, even though he knew Howard was stronger than he looked and wouldn't drop him.

As they walked to their room, they had to awkwardly shuffle past Naboo on the landing. Naboo gave them a confused and mildly disgusted look at the way Vince cuddled into Howard.

But they didn't care, their number one priority was getting into bed together and sleeping, safe in each other's arms.

Conversations Between Moon And The Sunshine Kid (Mighty Boosh One-shot Book)Where stories live. Discover now