Getting a little better.

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Now playing: Home~Anthony Amorim

Synopsis: guess who's writing about death again 💖💝✨🌸🌺. Howard's dead this time. Another short vent fic, I'm sorryyyyyy. This basically is the same as my other fic but the roles are reversed. 2 updates in one day babyyy.

"Hey, Howard" Vince mumbled flatly as he sat cross-legged, next to the grave.

Howard sat up, woken up from his nap and pulled from the underworld by his voice.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I normally come straight from work, but I got held up again by Naboo." Vince's voice was just as empty as it had been the day Howard died.

"That's alright little man," Howard said softly.

He knew Vince couldn't hear him, but it was only natural to talk in between the pauses.

He sat next to Vince and gently put his hand on top of his small, shaking hand.

"I know if you were alive you would've given me a right bollocking if I were late," he said flatly, then chuckled sadly "you probably are now, from heaven"

"I'm not, love." He said softly, putting an arm around his shoulder.

"Fossil came into the shop again today" he explained "trying to flog me a pocket cup"

Howard chuckled softly, listening to him talk.

"You'd think he'd have given it up by now, but no" he sighed, a faint smile "He's still stuck in the zoo times."

Howard smiled a little, admiring Vince's pretty face. He'd missed Vince's little smiles and laughs.

"I miss the zoo times too" he sighed softly "I miss them alot"

"Me too, little man," he said softly, running his hand through Vince's hair.

"I miss before you started getting sick" he mumbled, voice going small "I remember when you died in that little cabin. You said you felt ill so I got in bed with you and cuddled you all night. But you... You didn't wake up"

Howard wanted to pull him into a hug, but he couldn't because Vince wouldn't feel a thing. It broke his heart that he just had to watch Vince break down again.

Vince sat in silence for a second and sighed. He shook himself out of it and drew a shaky breath.

"Sorry Howard," he said softly "I still get a little choked up thinking about it."

"That's okay love, this takes time" Howard reassured him, playing with his hair and cuddling him.

In a weird way, it was comforting to feel his soft hair and smell the pharmacy perfume that clung to his neck and hair. It made Howard feel oddly nostalgic.

"I really miss you, Howard." He mumbled, gently running his hand over the grass to his side

"I'm right here darling," he said softly, cupping his cheek with his hand.

"I love you" he mumbled softly. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner"

"Oh, don't say that love" Howard fussed over him, cuddling into him.

"I know telling you now is a bit too late, but I love you" he sighed

"I love you too," he said softly.

He went quiet for a second, then snapped himself out of it.

"But anyway, yeah, like I said earlier, Fossil popped round," he said, trying to lighten the subject "he's taking it worse than me, and that's saying something"

Howard raised an eyebrow, listening to Vince talk

"He completely freaked out, started shouting and all that. He still thinks you're alive" he said softly, voice breaking slightly at the last part

"Oh Lord, some things never change," He said softly

"Though I guess it wasn't unusual. He's been like that a lot recently" he said softly

There was a moment of quietness between them, and Vince looked up at the sky.

"You know, I think I'm going a little crazy." He said, gazing up at the clouds with lost eyes "Like, sometimes when I'm here talking, it feels like you're talking back, and it's like I know what you'd say"

Howard smiled softly, listening.

"You probably think I'm daft, but it's comforting to imagine you're listening to me" he admit "even if I am just banging on about Gary Numan and the zoo times."

Howard smiled and chuckled softly, playing with Vince's hair. Although, it probably felt like more of a light breeze to Vince.

"Thanks for listening to me Howard, and if you ever just want me to shut up, haunt me and let me know, yeah?" He said softly, with a slight smile.

"Will do, little man," he said softly, with a smile. He kissed his forehead softly, almost protectively.

Vince smiled as if he almost felt it.

His eyes snapped open, and he quickly sat up.

"I remember now! I brought you something" he said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small bag of seeds.

"I thought you'd appreciate a little colour." he said softly, tearing a little corner of the bag. "They're wildflowers, so I don't have to dig or anything"

Howard smiled, watching Vince sprinkle the seeds "that's perfect love, you're so thoughtful" he said affectionately, with a smile.

"I know they were your favourite flowers, so I thought I'd get you some, some you would stand out" he smiled softly

"That's wonderful Vince, I love you," Howard said softly

"...I love you too" Vince smiled cheekily, looking up at Howard.

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