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Trigger warning: bullying and insecurity/body image issues

Synopsis: University/shared house AU. Vince is upset and Howard isn't really sure how to make him feel better, but he tried his best.

Now playing: Songs for the sleepless~Ollie MN

Howard wasn't sure how early it was, though it likely could have been early in the morning. Time didn't feel like a real thing in that particular moment. Everything just seemed to mesh together into one blurry fuzz.

One thing Howard was certain of was that Vince shouldn't be awake this late.

Howard looked over to his bed, empty.

Howard pulled himself out of bed in search of him.

He crept across the halls and down the creaking stairs, no one was in the bathroom, and the front room was empty. Not a single soul was to be found.

But it was as Howard crept into the kitchen the stillness was broken and he had heard something.

It was definitely Vince's voice, but his breathing was uneven and muffled, and he was sniffling as if he had a cold.

He was crying.

Upon the realisation of this, Howard's expression softened as his eyes adjusted to the darkness. He saw Vince, sat at the breakfast bar alone, crying into his pyjama sleeves. His head was on the table, trying to muffle the sound, but it was definitely there.

Howard stepped closer "..Vince?" His voice was barely even a whisper

"Howard?" Vince sniffled, wiping his eyes with his sleeve "why are you awake so late?" He asked, trying to avoid a question he knew was about to be asked

"I was looking for you, nevermind that though. Why are you crying?" Howard asked softly, sitting next to him and placing a hard on his shoulder

"It's nothing, don't bother asking" Vince sniffed, turning away. He tried to dry his eyes.

Howard gazed at him sadly. He grabbed a tissue from a drawer and handed it to him.

Vince mumbled a "thank you" and accepted it

Howard spoke quietly "you don't have to tell me what's wrong, but it seems like somethings been wrong for a while. Talking about it may help, and I'm fine with just listening"

Vince paused for a second, it felt more like an hour "I don't know why I bother anymore" he finally choked out

"What do you mean, little man?" Howard prompted him softly. He put his arm around him.

"I don't wanna be...this thing. I hate pretending to be someone, but I'm too much of a fucking coward to stop" he sobbed into the tissue

"What?" Howard asked

"I'm tired of fashion, and parties and loud music" he dried his eyes "I mean I like them and all, but it's getting too much"

"I understand, is this about high school?"

Howard remembered high school, and how Vince had got bullied. He remembered how bad it was, and how Vince was never really the same. That was the reason Vince was so fashion-obsessed; he was a product of years of insecurity and torment. He used outlandish fashion to draw attention away from himself as a person.

Vince nodded meekly, retreating further into himself. "I don't know, I guess? It's like lots of things"

"I know Vince, but it's okay" Howard comforted him "school's all over, they were just scared of you

"Why? What did I do wrong?" Vince asked between sobs

"You didn't do anything wrong, it's them that's the problem, they were intimidated, of your weapon" Howard stated firmly.

Vince dried his eyes, and met Howard's "weapon?"

"Your imagination, your creativity, they feard you"

Vince choked out a laugh "You're an idiot Howard"

Howard expression shifted. That response was unexpected "what?"

"No one bullies anyone for being 'creative', they bullied me because I was weird," Vince said matter-of-factly

"But you were normal back then"

"Not really, I basically had a picture book for a brain" Vince mumbled in protest

"Look that's not the point. Why are you down here?" Howard changed the subject

"I didn't want to wake you up" Vince mumbled

"Well I'm awake now, so it's fine. Do you want me to stay here? Or do you need some time alone?"

Vince met Howard's eyes "please don't go".

There was something about the way Vince spoke which made Howard realise how vulnerable he was.

"Okay, I'll stay with you," Howard reassured him.

"Thanks" Vince mumbled, still adorning the same lost expression.

Howard tried to think of something to say, seconds passed like hours.

"Vince?" Howard eventually spoke

Vince looked up "hmm?"

"Can I hug you?"  Howard asked quietly, hoping it would help

Vince looked confused "I thought you hated me touching you" He pointed out

"I mean I think this is an exception" Howard stated, opening his arms for a hug

Vince managed a smile and practically fell into his friend's arms.

Howard smiled warmly and wrapped his arms around Vince.

For the first time in a while, Vince felt like someone cared about him.

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