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Now playing: Luv note~Chloe Moriondo

Synopsis: Every week, Vince and Howard would see each other at a café. Without knowing, they inspire each other.

Another week was passing and Sunday had arrived to draw the week to an ending.

With this Sunday, a tradition was continued, an unspoken one, between two strangers.

Nancy's Café was almost empty, as was normal on Sunday. The place was run down, and probably not that hygienic. Though they made amazing toast, and the toast was definitely worth the risk of food poisoning.

A man walked into the shop, and walked up to the counter. And after ordering a tea and piece of toast, took a seat by the window. The man took out a battered old memo pad, with 'H. MOON' written inside the front cover.

H. Moon was a novelist, but he hadn't actually sold any novels. Or written any either. But that wasn't his fault, he just lacked inspiration.

But the thing is, he has inspiration, but his inspiration hadn't arrived yet.

He looked at the blank page and twiddled a biro in his hand, as the minutes passed by.

After a while, the rain had started lashing against the window, every now and then threatening to stop. Moon had finished his tea and toast but decided to wait just a few more minutes, just in case. His inspiration always came, even if it was a little late.

Moon had barely managed a sentence when a figure stepped into the café. He was hard to miss. He had an extravagant look, with outlandish clothes and a black mullet. He was the inspiration Moon had waiting to arrive.

He was late, as usual. He walked over to the counter and placed an order. As Old Nancy prepared his order he read over a small slip of paper, building up a bit of courage.

Moon had noticed this and watched the man intensely

The man met Moon's eyes, this was nothing unusual, they simply smiled at each other and went back to doing their own thing.

Old Nancy came back to the nervous man with two cups of tea "two cups of tea? That's unusual for you Vince, got a date coming?" She asked nonchalantly.

He laughed nervously and picked up the tray "hopefully"

He drew a breath and carried the tray over to Moon's table

"Uh hi." He began

Moon looked up to him "hey?" Moon was not expecting this

"So like I see you here every Sunday, and I think you seem really interesting, can I sit with you for a bit please?" He spoke really fast, fucking up his words most of the time.

This came to the surprise of Moon, a welcome one, but still a surprise

Once he'd realised that this was legit, he smiled warmly "Of course, honestly I only really come here now to see you"

Vince looked surprised "really? Oh my god that's so sweet" he smiled and sat with Moon

Moon chuckled awkwardly "I'm Howard, by the way"

Vince smiled "I'm Vince"

Howard smiled at how perfect his name was, it just fit his look.

"I really hope this doesn't sound weird or anything, but I'm a novelist, and I'm writing this book. The thing is though I've made a character, Noel, who is kind of inspired by you..." Howard trailed off

Vince's expression shifted to surprise and flattery "really?" He asked "that's so cool, I'm really flattered, thank you" he smiled warmly

"Awe thanks, I'm glad you don't just think I'm a stalker" Howard chuckled nervously

Vince laughed "is that your way of saying you're a stalker?"

"No, just interested" Howard reassured him, backtracking

"Interested?" Vince raised an eyebrow

"In you, you're just interesting"

"Thanks? I think you're really interesting too" Vince smiled "Can I tell you something weird?"

"Go ahead" Howard smiled

"I really like drawing you" he laughed nervously "like not in a stalker way though, you just kind of inspire me. Like a muse"

Howard went all flustered and flattered "really? Aw, thank you. That's kind of how you are with me, like a muse"

"It's strange, isn't it? Two muses meeting each other, unaware they are each other's muse" Vince mused

Howard chuckled "Yeah, I get what you mean"

Vince smiled, they were silent for a second.

Howard introduced some new conversation "so you're an artist then?" He probed

"Well on the side, most of the time I work as a fashion designer. What about you?" he smiled

"I'm a novelist part-time. Though I also
work as a geography teacher" Howard explained

Vince leaned forward "that's cool, so what do you write novels about?"

"Love, and tragedy. And death" Howard sighed dramatically

Vince chuckled a bit "cool"

Howards face contorted into an expression of puzzlement "why is that funny?"

"Sorry, just the way you said it" he chuckled

"Oh, so what kind of stuff do you like drawing?"

"Loud stuff, like really colourful and abstract stuff that just jumps out and screams at the viewer. Not very technical but quite fun" he explained.

Howard smiled "I love the fine arts. Everything is just so poetic"

"I wouldn't say that. I just draw how I like, kind of how I see the world"

Howard grinned to himself "that's cool too."

"Thanks" Vince smiled



"Do you wanna go out for drinks later?"

Vince smiled "yeah, sure"

Conversations Between Moon And The Sunshine Kid (Mighty Boosh One-shot Book)Where stories live. Discover now