Missing Stiles

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it would seem like a normal day at the loft if you didn't know the pack very well, teenagers scattered around, 3 very beautiful ladies gathered around a single laptop and a tall handsome adult as their weirdly crazy hot guardian.

yeah no the werewolves are scattered with scared looks after being thrown by the alpha, and the girls have managed to lay away from the angered wolf by searching on a computer dispite their slight hatred towards each other, and the Alpha who tries to avoid as much possible contact with his pack of teenagers is pacing the loft floor anger practically boiling off of him

there is also a very uneasy silence to the place thank to on missing hyperactive teenager

it had been 5 hours since they found out the teenager was missing and Derek was more unstable with anger by the second, it was noticed by even the humans of the pack that Derek was struggling to control his anger and his wolf, and four teenage werewolves failed to get him to calm down or be chained.

the door to the loft slid open "How long has he been like this" Peter demanded with concern for his nephew

"it wasn't as bad 4 hours ago, but it got worse as time goes by" Scott explained, Scott decided that he didn't know what to do so half an hour ago after calling peter failed spammed his phone with text messages till the man showed up

"you didn't think of telling me 4 hours ago" he growled out

Scott rolled his eyes and Isaac answered this time "we thought we would have found somethig about Stiles wereabouts by now but theres nothing, no trace, no scent nothig"

"Stiles, what's this got to do with that sarcastic little spaz, where is he anyways" Ethan and Aiden tried to dive up to shut Peter up from saying anything bad tiwards Peter but they where frozen in place as the red eyes of their Alpha fell on Peter, peter hummed slightly amused "did he finally run away"

"Shut up Peter" Lydia, Malia and Kira all shouted towards him at the same time

he pulled his arms up in surrender "ok I'm sorry i didnt mean that, just you all treat him so badly it wouldn't surprise me if...."

he was cut off by a hand around his throat "Shut up" Derek growled in his face, his calws digging into the side of Peters neck

Peter chocked on the hold trying to pull Derek off him "I was joking, I was joking, just trying to lighten the mood" he managed to choke out before Derek dropped him onto the floor, Peter held onto his neck looking up at Derek "Nephew we'll find your little mate I promise"

"I can't loose him Peter" Derek looked at Peter before dropping to his knees "I can't loose him to Peter"

Peter looked towards the rest of the pack who where staring "we'll know if anything is wrong with Stiles anyway, because if he dies, you die to, So obviously I won't let anything happen to your little human, since it puts my nephew at risk and my only living neice wants me dead just as much as all of you"

"who doesn't want you dead peter?" Isaac asked and Peter rolled his eyes as Derek stayed knelt on the floor, this was unusual for the pack to see, they could feel the sadness coming from him, and seeing their Alpha cry was something they thought they'd never see,

Scott was confused at the use of the word mate, he was the only one who was oblivious to Dereks love for Stiles "what do you mean mate"

Peters gaze fell on Scott, he let out a exasperated sigh "are you always this idiotic Scott, or do you just not observe anything, I'm not even here all the time and even I can see my idiot nephew here is inlove with that spaz human" Peter took a quick step away from Derek "I mean smart human" he mused out in the attempt to not be slaughtered

just a bunch of Sterek fluff (oneshots?)Where stories live. Discover now