Training 3

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Derek was frowning as he walked to the training area for the past two months his mother and sister hadn't left him alone about helping out the human with his bruised hands, the frown wiping away from his face as he came into view of said human "Hey Derek" Stiles chirped as cheerful as ever "hey do you think we should try the tracking thing again, I brought a jacket this time to plus its summer so It won't get that cold anyways plus you will find me if they don't so"

Derek smiled at Stiles rambling, he'd showed up an hour early recently and just watched Derek do his solo training, "alright but I'm coming with you this time, I'll leave a not for them to find us when they get here"

Stiles bounced up from his occupied patch of grass "really, alright, but hurry up cause you are late today, we only have half an hour to hide so we better hurry" Derek nodded and Derek found a tree to carve a note on with his claws and did it on a few just so the stupid teens saw at least one of them before he followed Stiles into the woods watching and copying as the teen did things to hide his scent from the wolves before they ended up in some small den that actually wasn't as far as from where they started, Derek sat against the wall while Stiles sat in the middle almost touching him, Stiles smiled at Derek watching to the entrance as they waited

"Lets see if you got any better at tracking" Boyd read out at the confused teens the entered the training area, he then pointed to the carving in the tree "find us" Boyd finished

"So they are hiding?" Erica asked "together? She smirked

Lydia smirked "Stiles and Derek? That would be adorable"

Scott scoffed "lets go find them, last time I checked Stiles isn't gay he would have told me"

"Yeah and when was the last time you actually spoke to him Scott" Erica said storming past Scott Lydia followed shortly behind,  they soon split up in pairs to go find Stiles and Derek

"Hey Der" Derek hummed, he doesn't know exactly when Stiles started calling him Der but he liked it anyways "I been wondering, I mean you don't have to answer I'm just curious about it but why are your eyes blue"

Derek tensed up shuffling in his spot, Stiles bit his lip and opened his mouth to say forget it when Derek answered "it means I killed someone, blue eyes mark a killer...." he said quietly looking at the ground, Stiles stared at him as if he did not believe Derek "yellow are beta/omega who havn't killed innocent people, red as you know are Alpha, blue.... means you killed someone who didn't deserve death"

"You killed someone?" Derek nodded slowly looking away guilty, "I don't believe you would kill just anyone Derek and if you did it was an accident"

Derek shook his head "it wasn't an accident" Derek looked at his hands "she was my best friend... she got bitten by an Alpha, I didn't think she would accept me as a wolf and Peter convinced me if she was one herself she would be fine, with the whole werewolf thing" Stiles stared at Derek as he chocked on his words, he moved closer and held Derek's hand "the bite didn't take, and she was in so much pain, she begged me to make it stop, she was crying so much, I couldn't take the pain from her, and the only way was"

Derek chocked on his words he couldn't say it "was to kill her, you're not a killer Derek" Stiles pulled Derek into a hug and Derek tried to hold back a sob as he buried his face into Stiles neck "you stopped her from dying slowly and painfully, there was nothing else you could do" Stiles ran his fingers through the older mans hair trying to comfort him, Derek eventually wrapped his arms around the smaller male and just held onto him, Stiles played with Derek's hair as he let the tears fall against his shoulder, when the tears has stopped it was because Derek had fallen asleep and Stiles kept hold of him

After about 2 hours Erica crouched outside the little den a huge grin on her face as she silently beckoned Lydia over and pointing inside, they both awed at the sight of Derek cuddled up to Stiles his face in Stiles neck as Stiles leaned against the wall holding Derek as they both slept, she pulled out her phone sending a quick text to the others before taking a quick picture knowing the flash would wake at least Derek if not Stiles then quickly sent it to Talia and Laura "wakey wakey" Erica called,

Derek sat up and looked over at them then at Stiles who just grumbled and moved back towards Derek seeking the heat from him "you managed to find us this time"

"Well we managed to find you, Stiles scent was no where" Erica said

"All we could smell was sadness, but I know that's not from Stiles so we just followed that instead.... Derek why where you sad?" Lydia questioned

Derek frowned "he doesn't have to tell you" Stiles said sitting up "it could have been me anyways, how do you even know it's not my sadness?"

"Because Stiles being sad would have made it harder not easier to find you" Erica said "you being sad is like an explosion set off everywhere and it's hard to concentrate"

Derek sighed and crawled out from the little den Stiles following behind him, just as the rest of the pack showed up "we still need to work on tracking and Stiles is to good at hiding" Derek headed back to the training area and everyone followed, when they got there Laura was stiod grinning at Derek who just frowned in return "what you want this time?"

"Mum wants Stiles" Derek frown dropped and glared at Laura "oh stop that it's not like she is going to hurt him"

"Why does she want Stiles" Derek asked folding his arms and Stiles stared at Derek confused at the way he's acting

"She wants someone to talk to and help with cooking while they chat" Laura said back

"Can't you do that, you seem to talk enough"

"Mum said Stiles, and what the Alpha says goes so Stiles it is" Laura walked up to Derek folding her arms challenging her younger brother to argue anymore with what the Alpha has said

Derek let out a defeated sigh and Stiles couldn't help the laugh that escaped "God Derek, I'll be find, even you said that I'm better then these 6 so what's the harm in helping your mother cook, it's not like I don't know how to cook, probably the only one who can cook outta these anyways"

Derek sighed again and nodded "fine, but if anything just call or text I don't know"

Stiles chuckled and nodded "sure thing Der-bear" Stiles grinned and so did Laura before they both walked off laughing at the face Derek pulled for being called Der-Bear

Derek stood and watched them walk away then turned to the pack Erica, Isaac and Lydia having the same grin as Laura had when they arrived, Scott was frowning though "what"

"You both really are adorable together" Isaac piped up Boyd just grinned and nodded in agreement "look" Isaac said showing Derek the picture Erica had sent them

Derek's eyes widened as he blushed and turned away from the group and walked further into the woods, none followed him except Scott "Derek!" He shouted after they where a certain distance "Derek Stop"

Derek stopped turned to Scott and glared back the same glare the teen was giving him "what!" Derek growled

"If you hurt him"

"I won't, he doesn't even know so shut up" Derek growled causing Scott to clamp his mouth shut, Derek sighed "there is nothing going on between me and Stiles, I told him something about my past that upset me and he felt guilty that's all that picture is about, now go back and train I need some air" Scott frowned and headed back anyways

just a bunch of Sterek fluff (oneshots?)Where stories live. Discover now