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Derek was sat drinking a cup of tea as Stiles paced the loft rambling about how dangerous witches are, Derek hadn't even had the chance to finish talking about the witch when Stiles started rambling. "Stiles" Derek tried

"No Derek, witches are dangerous they can kill people, curse the pack, what if they done something to you when you decided to confront them, alone, why do you always do this Derek you have a pack and you try to do things alone why" Stiles now started rambling about how careless Derek had been doing things alone this wasn't the first time the careless Alpha had taken on things alone, like those mischievous pixies that made Stiles seem like he was ill until the next full moon, Stiles got involved because he decided to follow the brooding Alpha and he's pretty sure the sicky feeling wasn't the only thing done to him

Derek watched Stiles for the next to hours "Stiles there's a pack meeting in an hour I thought you was going home to change"

Stiles stopped and glared at Derek "what the hell is wrong with you Derek, you're reckless what if something happened to you, what am I... we meant to do without you" Stiles threw his hands up

Derek sighed and went to the kitchen to make himself another tea, he's had about 10 in the last two hours while Stiles rambled, Stiles even followed him to the toilet and stood rambling on the outside, he understood Stiles concern but he had his own concerns and how the things he dealt with alone could harm or possibly kill his pack, his family, just him is one thing but his whole family again was something he couldn't handle even if they where just a bunch of rowdy teenagers that didn't always listen "what would I do if anything happened to any of you" Derek countered with a raised voice to be heard over Stiles

Stiles froze and raised an eyebrow at the Alpha "what do you mean, something is less likely to happen if we work as a pack Derek"

"I can't risk that Stiles, I can't loose my family again, I may be the Alpha but you all have Scott if something happens to me I can't let anything happen to any of you" Stiles face contorted to anger

"I can't let anything happen to you either Derek" Stiles shouted "why do you think I came here last night" Stiles ran his hands through his hair "only I find you gone and when I wake up you're down here on the couch and you tell me where you been to find out you went hunting a witch alone again, Scott maybe an Alpha but he isn't you, he isn't Derek Hale" Stiles couldn't help the tears that started to fall

Derek stood seeing the tears fall from Stiles eyes and was in front of him in a flash, he didn't think about it as he cradles Stiles face in his hands "Stiles" he whispered his voice full of concern, the tears didn't stop, Derek stroking the tears away before pulling the younger male in to a hug which shocked Stiles but he was to upset to show it instead he just tightly wrapped his arms around the Alpha and burring his face in the older mans neck "I'm sorry Sti, I didn't mean to scare you"

Stiles pulled back to punch Derek in the chest "you didn't scare me Derek, its terrifying to know you go out alone and could show up dead" Stiles wiped at his eyes and moved away but Derek pulled him back into a tightly hold "I can't loose you to Derek" Stiles fell into Derek crying

When the door opened Stiles went to move away but was stuck in Derek's hold, the older man held onto Stiles turning his head as the pack came into the loft, he frowned and lead Stiles up the stairs out of the questioning eyes of the pack "Stiles" he whispered "I won't do it again, I'm sorry I just can't loose any of you"

Stiles held a tight grip onto Derek "I hate you" he mumbled and Derek shook his head "I really fucking hate you"

"No you don't" Derek said softly shutting his bedroom door as he lead Stiles into the room "I don't even need to hear your heartbeat to know that's a lie"

Stiles pushed away from Derek and wiped at his eyes taking a breath "you made me cry asshole" Derek reached out stroking a stray tear from Stiles cheek "why do you do this Derek"

"sorry" Derek said once again dropping his hand from Stiles face "I just really can't risk loosing you, any of you"

"You loose is if you die Derek" Stiles said firmly and Derek gave him a look as if he didn't think about it like that "Scott isn't our Alpha either Derek, you are no one can replace you, I can't stare and annoy Scott like I can you and I'd be way to bored and lonely without you here, honestly you're the only one who makes me feel welcome or somewhat useful, sometimes I wonder why you even keep me in the pack I'm not even that helpful"

Derek frowned stepping closer as he wiped a few more stray tears from Stiles cheek "you are very important to this pack Stiles, more ways then you think"

"Enlighten me Derek because I don't have a clue how I'm help full, I dont have strength or cross bow skills or whatever the hell Lydia has, hell I'm just 147 pounds of fragile bone, human flesh and Sarcasm as my only defence, if there was any danger what use would I be I cant...." Stiles rambling was cut off, his eyes widened as Derek pressed his lips hard against Stiles shutting the rambling teenager off

Stiles responded to the kiss quickly melting into it "you keep me grounded" Derek said upon parting, you saved me and the pack multiple times so that ends the what use you would be when danger comes, I'm sure I'd be dead already if you didn't save me, I'm sure I would have lost my mind and the pack if you haven't kept me grounded enough to put up with some of those idiots stupid ways of doing things and arguing with each other" Stiles just stared up at Derek "if you start talking such stupidity again I'll hand you to our pack of teenagers that would do a lot worse then kiss you to shut you up"

"I didn't find the kiss bad at all" Stiles smirked and pulled Derek in for another kiss, Derek snaked his arms around Stiles picking him up as they kissed, Stiles chuckled and broke the kiss after wrapping his legs around Derek "we have a pack meeting Derek"

"And it's can wait, I've heard enough rambling for a week" Stiles smirked kissing Derek once again

A/N going over half written oneshots and finishing them off this is one of the I started about 2-3 months ago enjoy

just a bunch of Sterek fluff (oneshots?)Where stories live. Discover now