No coffee

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A/N I serious about the running out of coffee 😢 I don't have any

I was sat in the loft glaring at thee pack of teenagers that seem to have made themselves comfy and situated in various places, there was two people missing to no surprise they would show up later "hey Derek" Isaac called, I ignored, I don't hate the kid but he lives here and sometimes asks the most stupidity of questions "Derek!" He whined for about the tenth time I sighed and put my book down shooting him a glare, he had this stupid smirk on his face and I now didn't want to know what was coming next "do you like Stiles?"

I stared at him and didn't answer, I noticed everyone else in the room had fell silent like their life depended on my answer "he's annoying" I simply stated

"That's not what I asked Derek" he huffed folding his arms into a pout "do you like Stiles?"

I rolled my eyes ignoring the question and going back to my book "he's not going to answer you layhey" I heard Jackson say "why don't you just ask him out we will find out if Stiles at least likes Derek"

I put my book down and got up I was about to head up the stairs when Scott burst through the door, I froze seeing the panicked look on his face "we have an emergency crisis" he yelled slamming the door shut behind him, I raised an eyebrow at the fact it was just him and Stiles not followed behind, since when is there one and not the other, everyone else still seemed calm despite the whole emergency crisis yell Scott called out, we all know he over exaggerates 99% of the time and when he does need to worry he wants to play hero and save everyone despite the they are going to kill us threat, he looked out of breath and hysterical "I'm serious guys it's an emergency, Stiles without coffee is worse then whatever damn big bad is waiting for us around every corner"

That was it, everyone was out of their seats in a panick and I'm stood here looking as confused as they where when they first started learning about the supernatural and not believing mine or Peter's knowledge on what murderous creatures are out there "what's so bad about Stiles without coffee?" I asked and for the first time I saw fear in Jackson's eyes at the mention of the skinny defenceless human in the pack

"What's so bad?" Lydia squeaked out throwing her arms in the air "you don't know bad if you don't know Stiles without coffee"

"See even Lydia knows how bad Stiles is without coffee despite being oblivious to Stiles since the eighth grade, you should know this Derek  specially sine you like Stiles" Erica practically scolded

"I frowned "you know there is coffee in the kitchen right" I decided to say after everyone fell silent, then every single one of them scrambled to the kitchen faster then I seen them ever move before

Scott came out of the kitchen looking as defeated and worried as before he opened his mouth to say something as the door to the loft slid open and for a human in a pack of werewolves and physically the weakest I have never seen him more dead like a zombie ever before, the redness of his eyes was glared towards Scott who quickly hid what looked like an empty coffee jar behind his back, he looked terrified and by terrified he looked as if he was about to be the last person standing in front of the killer in a massacre with no where to run, I could see the other pack members hiding into the kitchen and in all honesty I still don't understand their fear when more then half of them are capable of holding him down or out running him, his head turned to me "do you have coffee?" He said very low almost a ghostly whisper

I looked to Scott then past him to the kitchen door where a group of teenagers where shaking their heads in a frantic motion of a nope, none, nothing here, I let out a sigh and walked to Stiles "I know a better place to get coffee then the crappy coffee here let's go"

"I don't mind crappy coffee I just need coffee" Stiles practically yelled

I flinched at the yelling and hummed putting my arm around Stiles and leading him to the door as I grab my jacket and take him down the stairs to my camero "I know you will but since you are scaring the pups I think we will go and have a nice meal and a drink of coffee and they can go grocery shopping" Stiles seemed a little less tense and gave me an apologetic look probably because I mentioned him Scaring the other, I knew the pack where listening, they had followed at a distance watching me with Stiles, they had a look of disbelief as I flashed them a smile Driving away with Stiles

Stiles imidietly ordered a coffee before we sat down waiting at the counter for it before he allowed me to lead him to a table, we ended up having 3 more coffee's for Stiles a tea for me, 2 burger one each, curly fries for Stiles, which he refused to share with me even though I'm paying, not that I actually wanted them but watching him slap my hand away with a frown amused me

Stiles was on his third cup of coffee when he paused and looked up at me "Is this a date?" He questioned, he was hesitant at asking it and I could smell how nervous he was to ask

I shook my head "I don't think even you would go on a date looking like this Stiles, you look like a zombie dragged out of bead and along the floor before you managed to escape, if I was to take you on a date I'd make sure you didn't look half dead" I stated plainly, I wouldn't mind if it was a date but I can imagine him kicking himself over how he looked if it was our first date, I leaned over brushing some fluff out of his hair "if you want a date with me I'd be glad to take you on one" he grinned around the cup he had placed against his lips pulling it away before nodding


The pack did go shopping and Stiles still grabbed a couple of jars of coffee before going back to the loft and good job he did because the brainless teenagers he calls friends and family forgot the main thing they needed to get when shopping.

It was a few weeks before Derek actually took Stiles on a date, he loved they both did, Derek was very affectionate towards Stiles after that and Stiles enjoyed every second of it, at least that was before the embarrassing moment Derek took Stiles home after their forth date and kissed on the front porch leading to a very awkward dad son and protection conversation that night

just a bunch of Sterek fluff (oneshots?)Where stories live. Discover now