Sisters bestfriend

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Derek was almost banging his head against the wall in the locker room, being held back by his team mates "what the hell Derek what's going on with you"

"Hale" Derek freezes at the sound of the couch, he turns his head to look at the man "get your head together we have a game to play and last time I checked you are captain"

"yes coach" Derek mumbled

"good now hurry up and get ready and get your asses out there and win this"

Derek frowned shoving the hold of his team mates off "what the hell is wrong with you Derek your in college and your acting like some crazy dude"

"It's nothing, just something I didn't expect, I'm fine, it's fine" Derek was practically going crazy, he didn't want to fuck up now, not when he was in the audience and that only made his nervs worse

his team mates looked worried at him but shrugged it off before following him out to the basket ball court, when they caught Derek starig out into the crowd they followed his gaze to see his sister "dude are you worried because your sister is here, it's not the first time"

Derek flinched and looked at his team mate "no it's not that, just lets get this over with"

the game started and Stiles, Meiczyslaw Stilinski did not take his eyes off Derek the whole game, he was mesmerised by how the man moved so fast, Derek managed to get his head in the game and avoid thinking about the crowd, they ended up winning the game by Derek scoring the last shot of the game giving them the winning basket

Derek was laughing with his team and cheering as they group hugged "Derek!" Cora called cheerfully as she ran down the bleechers to her brother, Stiles trailing behind, Derek pulled her into a hug with a smile "you where awsome big bro"

Derek grinned "these losers helpped"

"yeah but you scored the winning basket" Cora countered making the team laugh

"you really are somethig Cora, so stubborn to stick up for your big brother, I thought his nerves would have got the better of him" Isaac said as he patted Derek on the shoulder

"nerves, why was he nervous" she folded her arms and Derek was scowling at Isaac

"I wasn't I was fine"

"if you consider almost banging your head through the wall fine then sure" Jackson butted in

Derek groaned "shut up"

"Derek" Cora folded her arms glarig at him "I'll tell mum if you don't tell me"

"you can't tell if you don't know anything" Derek argued back

"I can tell her you're hiding something" Derek ran his hand down his face "Tell me Derek"

Dereks eyes flickered to Stiles, everytime Cora brought Stiles round he tried to avoid the younger male only to be dragged at taking him home near midnight because Cora wasn't watching the time again, Derek had liked Stiles from the day they met but saw the age difference as a problem so just tried to ignore his feeligs for Stiles apparently it wasn't working, he averted his gaze back to his sister "I can't"

She looked at Stiles seeing her brothers eyes flicker in his direction then at her brother a grin spread across her face "ohhh I know, You like" Derek quickly put his hand over Cora's mouth and glared at her

"Shut up" he growled, Cora continued smirking, Derek quickly drew his hand back scrunching up his nose "that's gross"

"Derek Like Stiles" she quickly announced before Derek could stop her again, Derek groaned and as his team mates jaw dropped looking at the younger male and Derek, who had both now gone red "omg it's true its Stiles you like Stiles"

"Cora" Derek warned, Cora grin only widened as she grabbed Stiles and pushed him to Derek "what are you doing" he growled catching the stumblig boy

"winning present" she grinned and ran off

"Cora!" Derek frowned watching her dissapear into the crowd, Stiles stood there gob smaked also watching

"did she just give me away as a prize, oh wow, wow I mean" he looked up at Derek his cheeks still a bright red from blushing but Dereks seemed to have vanished "wow"

Derek was scowling towards the crowd and Dereks team mates started laughing "haha guess you don't need the celebratory drinks anymore"

"nope I think I need them" he said before looking down at Stiles "definitely need them"

Stiles was stood there looking nervous, it was more awkward that everyone was tallker then him "least you won't be the shortest there this time" another guy said as they made their way into the changing rooms"

Derek watched his team walk off and scratched the back of his neck lookig back at Stiles, as calm as he looked his insides where flipping right now "a... are you alright with.... hanging with us"

Stiles was still blushing he bit his lip nodding  "i'm fine with that"

Derek shuffled on his feet "I'll umm I'll be back in a minute" Derek said pointing to the lockers, Stiles nodded and Derek practically darted away to get changed

Stiles pulled out his phone and called Cora "Cora! what are you doing!"

"getting my brother and bestie a date, you like him don't you"

"that's not tge point what if he doesn't like me that's why I havn't said anything, it could have been someone else"

Cora scoffed "oh please I know my bother and there was no one else by you when he looked over to you, just have fun Stiles my brother can bring you home"

She quickly hung up before Stiles could argue anymore, he stood gaping at his phone, slipping it in his pocket as Derek came out with his team mates, they all had smiles on there faces as the sang, Derek slid from their hold as they walked back to Stiles "ready to go?"

Stiles nodded and Boyd gave him a gentle shove closer to Stiles Derek glared back at them "you know you don't have to" Stiles gestured between them both "you know"

"No I want to" he scratched the back if his neck nervously "it's just"

"Derek is the shy type" Isaac chime all to happily as they watch their team captain being all flustered

Derek scowled at them again and Stiles chuckled "that's cute" Stiles grinned up at Derek and he just blushed more "guess I can always take the lead" Stiles grabs Derek's hand "lead the way boys, we have a celebration to do"

"We not going far since we have to stay on campus, college rules for games to prevent any further deaths because of sore loosers" Jackson shrugged before they walked away

"Wait, then how do I get home" Stiles asked following after them pulling Derek with him

"Just stay with Derek he has his own dorm anyways so you wont be intruding on anyone but him" Erica said as she walked over slinging her arms around Boyd

Stiles looked back towards the blushing man that was following quietly "is that ok with you?" Stiles questioned and Derek nodded not trusting his voice as they made there was to a small cafe in the college campus

Derek bit his lip nodding as he walked with Stiles glancing at their hands from time to time as they remained intwined, he remained silent as they sat in the booths at the cafe, he didn't even try to engage in the conversation with the rest of the team he had just gone all silent and Shy, Isaac leaned his elbows on the table to lean closer to Stiles "hey want to know a secret"

Stiles blinked at Isaac and shrugged "sure

"Derek is a really shy person and he told me he has liked you since..."

"Isaac" Derek said with a glare making Isaac back up and chuckle

"Oh sorry captain, shutting up" he said with a smirk

Derek groaned and Stiles chuckled and squeezed Derek's arm.

just a bunch of Sterek fluff (oneshots?)Where stories live. Discover now