Lazy weekend

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Stiles was determined that he was staying in bed all weekend, even when his boyfriend was determined to get up, Stiles however wouldn't let him, he straddled the mans hip and lay against him to make sure he didn't loose his werewolf heater that kept him warm during the oncoming winter, Derek just shook his head allowing Stiles to get comfy and pin him down like he wants until they fall back into a peaceful sleep, around noon instead of getting up the just fell into a light chatter amongst themselves by that Derek just listened to Stiles talk about how school was a beautiful pain in the ass and some of his favourite parts of the recent batman movie he's watched

The only time Derek was actually aloud out of the bed was when Stiles stomach grumbled from the hunger that he had denied himself that morning in favour of staying in bed with his heater and going back to sleep, Derek didn't take long getting food and some snacks for later so he didn't have to fight Stiles in order to get up to feed the human that he so heartfully head over heels for and would most likely get his own way if he so much as showed him the puppy eyes with very minimal begging for him to stay in bed

And that's where they stayed in bed for the rest of the day watching movie, while Derek so casually read until Stiles removed the book out of his hands and staddled his boyfriends hips once again, sliding his hands up Dereks chest and over his shoulders until his lips where firmly planted against his boyfriends

They spent all day and night in the bed and the next mornig where they planned on spending the whole day again, at least that was until Derek sat up pretty fast earning a confused look from Stiles "the packs here"

"Wait what did you not tell them no pack night this weekend" Stiles said sitting up with a panicked look

"Yes even you got the message Sti" Derek got up quick grabbing his jeans, slipping then on, on his way out of the room shutting the door behind him as he did them up, making a noise as he turns to be face to face with the rest of the pack "what are you doing here!?" He practically yelled

"We got bored" Isaac whined

Erica was stood with a raised eyebrow staring at Derek "what got you in such a rush to get out of your bedroom you where not even dressed"

"I don't need you coming into my room, why are you here, if you're bored go find something to do I have plans"

Stiles stood the other side of the door with the blanket around him listening "we were, then we decided we could do it as a pack, so we gathered everyone up and came to get you and we couldn't find Stiles either so we just came here because maybe Stiles already got bored and what's Stiles boredom if it's not to hunt out trouble and trouble usually involved you" Isaac rambled out as the rest nodded in agreement

Derek frowned "I'm not joining so you can go now"

"Yeah but what about Stiles have you seen him" Scott questioned

"No" and the look on their faces clearly said they all heard the tick in his heartbeat "i told you I was busy why would I have seen Stiles"

The packs heads turned to each other then at Derek as they all simultaneously folded their arms with a glare "you know for a werewolf you'd think you'd know not to lie to other wolves Derek, where is Stiles?"

Derek groaned and leaned his head back against the door "so much for a lazy weekend" Derek grumbled "stay here" he glared to his pack slipping back into his room

"You're a very bad lier Derek" Stiles said the moment the door clicked shut locking the sound in the room as he tried to hold in his laughter

Derek rolled his eyes "well that's your fault to, they got bored" Derek snaked his arms around Stiles waist pulling him close "what now?"

Stiles chuckled and pressed a kiss to Derek's lips "are you ready to tell them?" Stiles questioned

Derek let out a sigh and rested his forehead against Stiles "what choice do I have, but I guess it's about time they knew, so go get dressed and come meet us downstairs" Stiles hummed as they swayed slightly together before pressing their lips together again, Derek hummed softly "I feel like i could tell the world I'm with you" he whispered against Stiles lips

Stiles chuckled "yeah, well lets start with the pack first hey big guy" he smiles patting Derek's chest before heading for the bathroom

Derek walks back out of his room "who's in there?" Derek frowned making sure the door clicked shut before pushing past the nosey teens "aww come on Derek tell us" Lydia and Erica the only two speaking

Derek sighed, picking up the remote and flicking the tv on "watch TV you will know when they come down"

"You got a girlfriend" Isaac smirked

"Something like that" Derek mumbled before shuffling off to the kitchen as the pack arrange themselves on the sofas and chairs around the TV, Derek made a tea and coffee bringing it into the room before sitting down with a scowl as his pack of teens stared at him "stop staring at me"

It wasn't long before Stiles made his was down, one of Derek's tops hung loosely on his shoulders, and a pair of boxers because in all honesty he was still wanting to be lazy so getting fully dressed wasn't an option, a small nervous grin on his face as he made his way over to the Alpha and by then everyone was gaping at him, everyone but Derek who seemed rather pleased with Stiles in his clothes "hey Der, I think the pack have gone into shock"

Derek chuckled and pulled Stiles into the chair with him holding the boy on his lap

just a bunch of Sterek fluff (oneshots?)Where stories live. Discover now