"You know I will always love you "
"Bitch you better!"
Taehyung longs for someone to be able to tame him,
Jungkook craves for someone to love and to be loved in return, to distract him from his past and
Jimin just wants someone to hold and pr...
Hey! I'm back looking like a snack This chapter was not proof read so sorry 😅
○what's your favourite food?○
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Jimin whimpers as he's thrown against a locker harshly "Yah! You remember me punk, my cousin used to have fun with you until your stupid bitch ass sister snitched" bambam yelled slamming his hand on the the locker
"No please don't i-" it was to late Jimin was already getting punched and kicked no mercy was shown
Taehyung was tired and just wanted to sleep but instead he was at some stupid party.
he reaches his breaking point when one kid almost pukes on him that's when he has had enough, he decides to go home infourtually he drove here with his friends and they were no where to be found so he decieds to just walk
"good thing its not that far" he says to himself
Jungkook walks around only to see Jackson and his lovers making out " hyung.... Jackson hyung!... JACKSON!" "Huh what oh Jungkook what is it man" Jungkook sighed "I'm leaving, see you later" "Yeah ok see later text me when you get home" "Got it" Jungkook says as he leaves
As Jimin was limping home with bruises cold and lonely sobing in pain
Jungkook walks down the street not paying attention, looking at his phone when he suddenly bumps into someone making him drop his phone
"Oh sorry my bad I should ha-" shit he looks up and realizes he had just bumped into the one person he did not want to interact with
"Oh hey, Jungkook! Thats your name right?" Jungkook looked everywhere but infront of him
" uhh yeah"
"Oh i'm Taehyung, kim Taehyung"
Jungkook half smiled "Yeah i know" they both stood there awkwardly
"Are you going home" Taehyung asked
" yup"
" oh wanna walk together" Junglook looked at Taehyung confused
" your not like scared of me or scared I might hurt you"
"Nope" Tae said popping the p
"why not"
" because who would want to hurt this" he says pointing to his face Jungkook couldn't help but smile at Taehyung
Taehyung was memorized by Jungkook him and his bunny smile was just to adorable the two had decided to walk together, sparking fun conversation, as the two walk together they soon begin to argue about which drama was better sweet revenge 1 or 2 "Im telling you Jungkook, mine is better why because there's eunwoo in the first one who doesn't love eunwoo its astros bes-" Jungkook cuts him off with a hand over his mouth "Ya! what-"
"Shh! Look" he says pointing in front of them Tae looks to where he's pointing "Hey! Ain't that the new kid" Taehyung whispers "Yeah but why is he limping" then all of a sudden they see a man start to following Jimin they look at each other and start following as well
Jimin was so caught up in his own sadness he didn't even notice the man behind him till he was suddenly yanked by the arm and dragged down an ally he groans as he was roughly thrown against the wall which hurt a lot more because of his already bruised body, he starts to tear up as the pain re-kiddles "Hey baby wanna play" the man says as he licks the side of Jimin's face he smelled of alcohol and cigarettes "No get away from me!" Jimin sobbed "Aww to bad guess we'll do it the hard way" the man says roughly pulling at Jimins clothes and just as Jimin was giving up and his shirt was being lifted he suddenly heres a loud smacking sound he opens his eyes to see Jungkook and Taehyung
Yikes y'allJiminsgot it rough don'the,anywaysthat's what taekook is for
some hero'sdon't wear caps they wear bunny ears and Gucci