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Hey I'm back this chapter is long so yeah enjoy mf's ily

*No proof read*


Are you happy with yourself?○

   ○Are you happy with yourself?○

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Jackson and his lovers were in the waiting area at hospital along with Yoongi just When Taehyung and Jimin came running in

"We're here! what happened how is he!?" They asked frantically, Yoongi was about to explain till Jackson interupted

"Why are you here"

they all turned to Jackson then Yoongi spoke up

"uh I called them duh is that a problem I mean there Jungkook's boyfriend's right?"

Jackson shook his head "I don't think it's a good idea for you to be here you should leave" Tae and Jimin looked at him shocked "look just because we fought doesn't mean we can't see him I mean he's in the hospital for god's sake what even happend!" Tae yelled infuriated, Yoongi looked at Jackson

"yeah Jacky what happened?" Jackson looked at Yoongi with tears in his eye's as sob escapee his mouth, he began to cry without a care in the world , his sobs could be heard through out the halls "I'm sorry yoongi's this is all my fault!" Yoongi went up and hugged him

"Hey hey it's not your fault ok tell me what happened"

"well..." Jackson began to explain in manderin

A/N since Jackson can speak manderin there gonna speak manderin 😀 so yeah

after the explanation Yoongi sighed "yeah Tae, Jimin I think you guys should leave" Tae snapped "the hell! why are y'all making it seem like this is our fault!" Yoongi darkened his gaze "look as his older brother I'm asking you guys to leave the argument you guys hurt him so please leave"

Tae met his stare "an argument! is when both sides are speaking Jungkook was the the only one yelling he wasn't the one to get raped by his dad, was he or abused for all we know he could be doing this for attention for all we know!"

Yoongi grabbed him by his collar "my brother is in his death bed and your saying it's for attention" Tae shrugged

"you have no idea what we have been through!" He shouted ,anger clear in his eyes, Jimin was the one to speak "what do you mean?" Jackson Stoped yoongi before he could say more

"Yoongi don't Jungkook will tell them when he's ready" Tae pushed of Yoongi "what are you talking about"

Yoongi smirked "you really want to know it's a bit grewsome" Jimin answers

"yes we wanna no please tell us"

" fine, back before we were born my mom and Jacksons mom had knew each other since 3rd grade they grew up together they were Best friends they got pregnate at the same time so they were so happy, then we were born, we've known each other since birth everything was great but when we turned three our dad became really abusive they would hit our moms to the point were we would often spend months in the hospital they would come home drunk and then they started hitting us that's when our moms decided to run away with us, I was 10 Jackson was 10, kookie was 9 then after a few years when I was 14, Jackson 14 and kookie 13 our dads found us that day we lost someone very very dear to us and and we went back home we found out that our dads had killed Jacksons mother they beat and raped her they tortured her so bad I can't even explain it they left a note saying we were next..... we were so depressed we lost two of our most beloved people on the same day we were just a mess"

Yoonig had to take a breath "you would think that our life would have got better right well you thought wrong turns out our mom has cancer"

Tae and Jimin gasped "yeah our mom is dying she only has bout month or two left" Jimins eyes brimmed with tears

"I'm sorry Jungkook said those things too you he had no right, but you know what... you wanna know why he said those things... when we were Young our dads would constantly rape Jungkook most of the time we were able to prevent it but there were times where they would get there way
Jungkook is just tired of the people he loves getting hurt when he saw what happened to Jimin he got flashback, it triggered him, in reality Jimin he wasn't really yelling out you he was yelling at himself he thinks he's weak for not telling anyone or for not fighting back hard enough he feels like everyone he gets close to gets hurt in some way luck has never been on our side"

The and Jimin had tears by the end of what Yoongi said

" this is just a piece of it be glad I didn't go into detail" and with that Yoongi walked away leaving them and crying

Taehyungs POV

Me and Jimin sat there confused I didn't know Jungkook had so much going on in his life Yoongi walked away so I turned to Jackson instead "so your telling me that-"

*Sigh*" yes Taehyung we used to get abused raped starved etc when we were younger yes my mom is dead because of my dad yes me Yoongi and kookies mom is dying yes to all your questions"

I stood there shocked I watched as the girl named Promise along with two other boys they both went to comfort Jackson

I looked at Jimin "wow this is a lot so both of my boyfriend's I had a fucked up life"

Jimin looked at me " Tae I'm scared why is life so cruel "

"Don't worry baby after graduation everything will be better we just have to push through this last year then everything will be okay I promise" Jimin nodded I know it may sound weird but even if Jimin and kookie don't go to college or get a job I'll take over my dads company and everything will be ok I could take care of them both

"Family of Jeon Jungkook!"

Instantly everyone stood up I noticed Yoongi had came back from wherever he ran off too

"Uh here" Jacksons called out the nurses walked up to him and the rest of us circled around "yes about Jeon Jungkook your...?"

"Brother"Jackson said

"Right yes about your brother he thankfully made it through the surgery even though he lost a lot of blood he is resting if you want you can go and see him"

"Thank you" Jackson said bowing before he ran off me and Jimin following after

We made to Jungkook's room and went inside I looked over at the bed to see a sleeping pale Jungkook my heart dropped at the sight

Me and Jimin went to Jungkook's side still holding hands "baby?it's me Tae... Jimin is also here look baby I didn't mean anything I said ok... I'm sorry just come back to us we miss you" soon Yoongi and Jackson started whisper soothing things in Manderin in Jungkook's ear we could only hope for the best


Yo sorry I didn't update my dumb self left my backpack with phone in it in my locker and I didn't have school on Monday so for three days I was without my phone 😁 I can be so dumb sometimes but anyways yeah tell me what you think of the story so far

Peaxe out love ya✌

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