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I'm back! Looking like a snack!


     ○ what's a kpop group you wish          was talked about more?○

     ○ what's a kpop group you wish          was talked about more?○

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*that night they just ate and watched a movie it was really late so Jimin and kookie just spent
the night*

*next day at school cause you no why not*


The boys arrived to school in Tae's  lamborghini he had insisted he drove them even though both Jimin and Jungkook tried to refuse

" yah Jungkook!" Jungkook turned  around to see Jackson running towards him

*sigh* "what do you want hyung" Jungkook" says tiredly, he could already tell Jackson was up to something

" so what's up with you and that Taehyung guy i heard he gave you a ride in his lamborghini!?"

"Nothing is up" Jungkook says as he walks towards his class"  pushing Jackson off him


Jackson grabs jungkook's ear "don't you lie to me, tell me now! Spill the tea!"

"Ahh! Ahh! Ok ok hyung! Let me go i'll tell you" Jackson being Jackson believed him and as soon as
he let him go Jungkook made a run for it down the hall, Jackson quick on his tail

"Yah!" jackson yelled and ran after him


Tae was peacefully sitting in his chair reading when a scared panting hot Jungkook came barging in the classroom and a mad, craze looking  Jackson after him, next thing you know Jackson had
Jungkook pinned against the wall with his shirt in his hand everyone was looking at them whispering

"Woah are they going to fight" some girl said
"I don't know I thought they were like best friends"
"aren't they brothers?"

"Yah Jungkook!!! You want to die?!"

everyone just looked at them surprised then suddenly Jungkook started laughing confusing everyone in the roo.
" hyung your making a scene i told you i would tell you later" Jungkook says pushing Jackson
Jackson lets go and chuckles
" you better or else" Jackson says giving him a death glare

" I know where you live"

"Yeah with me you creeper" Jungkook says shaking his head as he takes his seat. Jimin just stares at Jungkook in disbelief, he nervously taps  Jungkook
"Hey what was that about he looked mad..... d-d-does he bully you i-i could protect you"

Jungkook smiles at Jimin "man he's just to cute i just want to kiss his pink lips and pinch his chubby cheeks"
"No I'm fine thank you though. Me and Jackson are brothers that's just how we play"
"Oh that's good" Jimin says relieved just then the teacher came in and started class


Jimin walks out into the hallway only to be greeted with the devil himself bambam
"Hello jimin"
"P-please just leave me alone" Jimin begged he was still sore from the last time bambam beat him up
"Begging aint no use fag" he hissed before Jimin was thrown to the floor by his bully as his friends laughed and started kicking him calling him mean words all he could do is let it happen

A/N dammit is this even a school where the teachers!!!

"Please s-stop!" Jimin says in sobs


the bambam turns around only to be greeted by Taehyung's fist, bambam touches his busted lip and looks at Tae with a heavy glare

"Who the hell do you think you are" he yells in Tae's face
"I'm royalty bitch who are you, oh wait i know your nothing but trash you should be kissing my feet"  in a fit of rage Bambam punches Tae in the face and ends up making Tae fall just when he was about to punch him again when his hand was stopped

"What the h-" he stopped in terror as he was now looking at a mad Jungkook and i mean furious
"Never" Jungkook says as he pushes bambams wrist back "ever" bambam was now panicking as the pain took its toll
"touch what's mine" bambam was now sobbing because his wrist was so far back you would think there were no bones
"GOT IT" bambam nodes frantically
"Yes i got it please let me go" Jungkook throws him on the floor and grabs Jimin and Tae by the
hands leading them to the other side of the school, Jungkook lets them go when they entered an old dusty and crowded room
"Where are we" jimin asked

" the abandoned library no one comes here anymore except for me"

"Oh.... so are we going to talk about earlier" Tae says in amusement

Jungkook rubs the back of his head

"Yeah about that i-"

" so when exactly did we become yours" Tae says grinning Jungkook looks at them, both waiting for an answer
"I didn't mean it like that i-"



" I said bullshit come on Jungkook don't hide your feelings anymore I know I won't" and just like that Tae kisses Jungkook without warning after sometime he finally pulls back to breath
"I like you Jungkook and I think your hot I love and hate your personality but that is what makes me want you more I've liked you since I met you last year I was just never brave to say anything"

Jungkook just stands there trying to process what just happened while Tae turns to Jimin

"and you"

Jimin looks up at Tae shocked that he's being mentioned

"park Jimin why? .... Why are you so cute I just want to keep you safe and away from everyone I wish I could put you in my pocket and take you everywhere I go" Tae then leans in and kisses him, Jimin was to shocked and before he knew it they were making out when Jungkook suddenly says

"So what does this me that were like dating or something?"


Yo I literally finished writing this at 12:40am I swear I'm weird just a heads up I'll be updating at random so yeah hint why I'm uploading at some 12:40am😂💜

Peace out

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