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Hey guys! I highly recommend this song

Warning: somethings in this chapter may trigger some there are mentions of  suicide


    ○what's your favourite movie?○


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Now the only thing that could be heard were Jimins sobs and silent Begs for Jungkook to come back


Jungkook walked in his house slamming the door shut,  throwing himself on the couch he grabbed a pillow and yelled into it Jackson crept from out the kitchen

"yo kook what's wrong?" With no response he went to leave Jungkook then broke down crying. Panicked Jackson hurried to his side "Jungkook what's wrong why are you crying!?"

"I messed up hyung, I messed up I don't want to do this anymore" he stated with remorse  Jackson looked at him confused

"What are you talking what don't you want to do anymore?"

"Love, life everything I don't want to I hate it hyung I hate it please dont make me" Jackson sighed "kookie-"

"No don't try to convince me of anything I'm really done I don't want to do this anymore"

*Sigh* "ok if that's what you want kookie I don't want to force anything but can you at least tell me what happened" Jungkook shook his head

"Me and Tae walked in on Jimins dad trying to rape him" Jackson gasped


"Yeah so after I beat the crap out of him and called the police we went back to Taehyungs house"


"Then thats when I fucked up I yelled at him for being weak and just letting his dad do that" Jackson narrowed his gaze "ooh kook that's not cool" Jungkook stood up "yeah I know it's just I'm so fucking tired of the people I love getting hurt Jackson what am I supposed to do huh!?everyone I love is either fucking dying or some messed up shit like rape!" Jungkook was now yelling

'Kookie calm down-"

" no don't tell me to calm the fuck down what the hell did I do in my past life to deserve this crap of a life I just want it all to end!" Jungkook then ran to his room and locked the door Jackson ran after him

" kookie open the door please" nothing *sigh*"Jeon Jungkoo!k if you don't open this fucking door im-!"

"baby everything ok?" Jackson was so caught up with Jungkook that he forgot that his lovers were also there he sighed  "actually no Mark I need you to stay by Jungkook's door if you hear, see anything suspicious call me ok"

"umm ok where are you going?" Jackson ran down the stairs "I need to go fing Yoongi" he shouted before leaving , Jackson ran to Tae's house knowing that it was his only option  he banged on the door when he arrived after some time Taehyung opened the door "oh it's you what do you want"Jackson barged in "Jimin where's Jimin!?"

"yah! who the hell do you think you are how dare you just barge in my house!" Jackson ignored him "Jimin! Jimin!" Jimin came running down the stairs "Jackson what are you doing here and why are you yelling!?"

" Jimin where does hoseok live?" Taehyung jumped in "and why should we tell you that"Jackson sighed in frustration "look you need to tell me where he lives and you need to tell me now Jungkook is in trouble" Taehyung scoffed

" great all the more the reason not to give you his address" Jackson was starting to get angry "look I know he hurt you but right now his life dependes on this address so please" Tae thought about it "fine take a left when you come out then about five houses done is hoseoks house it's white with brown eages"

"thank you!" Jackson ran out and followed the instructions when he arrived he banged on the door as well when finally  hoseok was the one to answer "oh hi-"

Jackson POV

I pushed passed him "yoongi! yoongi!

"the hell Jackson  I'm right here"

" we need to leave now!" yoongi froze

"what happened"

"it's Jungkook he's in trouble"

" ok sorry hoseok can we finish the assignment tomorrow"

"uh yeah sure" we were walking out I got a call from mark

" Jacky"
                              "baby what's wrong"

"it's Jungkook I heard a loud thump in his room and when I asked if he's ok there was no answer"

My  heart began to race "ok baby I'll be there in five minutes ok"

" ok hurry I'm kinda worried"

" I no everything will be ok"

"k if say so I'll see you when you get here"

" yeah bye"

"Yoongi we need to speed it up" he nodded and we ran faster when we finally arrived I we went straight to kookie's room "yoongi do you still have the spare keys to all the rooms" "yeah hold on" yoongi pulled out the key in and opened the door pushing past we barged in and there befor us was a pale Jungkook in a pool of blood I froze tears started to fill my eyes


Bro woah what's if I killed Jungkook that would be crazy.... should I?.......



Anyways what's Jungkook's problem why did he try to....

Guess we will see


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