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Guys fxck relationships who said we need them cause whoever did need to get slapped!

           ○are any of you single?○

_______________________________________           ○are any of you single?○

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Authors POV

Jimin looks up at Tae and kookie

"umm what do you mean"

"What do you mean!? what do you mean what hell is up with you have been ignoring me and Tae all day explain would you!?" Jimin stands up "I don't know what your talking about theres nothing to explain"

Kookie grabs Jimin by the arm as he trys to walk away Jimin and takes a deep breath "look I'm sorry" he yelled "but why have you been avoiding us if we did something wrong please tell us"

Tae touches Jimins Cheek "chim what happened are you ok who did this"

Jimin flickes Tae's hand away "nothing I just got hit with a locker"

"Oh good I thought someone did this to you now can you tell us why your upset is it because of what happened the other night if so Jimin I'm sorry we should have waited till you were comfortable I'm sorry chim" Jimin hugs the now crying Taehyung

"Tae that's not it it's just stuff has been happening in my family I'm sorry I shouldn't have taken it out on you guys if anything you guys are my outlet I should have come to you guys"

Jungkook  scoffed "yeah you think" Tae punched Jungkook on the arm "ow!"

"It's ok chim how bout we- "

"Jimin! Jimin hey Jimin!"

They all turn to see who was yelling

"Hoseok! hey what doing?"

"Oh nothing I was just walking around when I saw you and these guys" hoseok pulls Jimin closer to him "they aren't bullying are they?"

Jimin giggled "no hoseok this is Taehyung and Jungkook"

"Yeah I know who they are but why are they hanging out with you no offense"

"None takin there hanging out with me because I'm there boyfriend"

Hoseok looks at Jimin in disbelief "what!?

"Yeah" Jimin walks in between Tae and kookie and kisses both of them hoseok just stares with wide eyes

"Is something wrong?"

"Huh oh no it's just I wouldn't expect the scary jeon Jungkook and the sassy Kim Taehyung would actually be in a relationship I mean there were rumors but I don't believe it till I see it"

"Well you see" Jungkook said in annoyed tone

"Yeah.... well I was wondering
If you wanted to eat with me"

"uh sure can they eat with us too" Jimin points to Tae and kookie
" yeah of course"


Jimin was sitting in between Tae and Jungkook while hoseok was across from them the tables were round and could fit about ten people

"So kookie who was that girl you were flirting with" Tae says with a stern voice

Jimin gaps "you were flirting?"

"Yep not with just one but two chim" Tae says in a Exaggerating tone

Jungkook  looks at them

"Guys it's not like that i-"

"Kookie!"Everyone in the whole lunch room turned to see who dare call Jungkook his nickname Jungkook stood up and opened his arms

"Promise!" The girl ran into Jungkook's arms she was very pretty Her hair fell a little pass her shoulders Carmel skin that looked so soft it almost looked procillien light Hazel eyes with a body that could stop a truck she had cruves for days, Tae and Jimin were jealous especially Tae he was fumming he stood up no sooner and yanked Jungkook away

" excuse me bitch but he's ours so unless you want your pretty little face to end up looking like trumps left ass cheek I suggest you ask for permission to touch what's not yours got it!" the girl looked at Tae surprised then smiled "l like him'

Tae looked at the girl confused

"Baby this is promise-" before Jungkook could finish talking promise interrupted

"Im his sister in law!" She said with excitment, Tae looked at her in confusion

"What yoongi's not married"

Just then Jackson came up with two supper cute boys on each of his arms "yeah she doesn't belong to yoongi she belongs to me" Jimin and Tae looked at Jackson

"what do you mean?" Jimin asked

"I mean" Jackson let go of the two boys and grabbed the girl and inglufed her into a tight embrace kissing her roughly "I mean she's mine so you don't have to worry"

Tae frowns "oh"

Jungkook looks at teahyung

"Tae baby don't you have something to say"

Tae groaned and put his head against Jungkook's chest and mumbled

"Sorry couldn't here you baby"

*Sigh* "I said I'm sorry"

Promise shrugged "It's ok ive had worse"

"Well let's sit down Shall we" they all sit down Jackson turns to Jungkook "kookie did emmoa talk to you"

Jungkook looks up at Jackson "bout?"

"Well you see yoongi has been having trouble accepting...." Jungkook nods "Mmm yeah she mentioned it but I didn't really listen I just went my room speaking of which hyung when will you be coming home?"

" umm don't know maybe today"

Jungkook nods and goes back to eating

"Oh there's yoongi.... YOONGI!!" Jungkook flinches at Jacksons sream

"Jesus hyung can you be any louder!"

Yoongi walks over to the table but stops when he sees hoseok

"Well hyung what are you waiting for get over here!"yoongi takes a seat next to Jungkook in between Jackson Jimin speaks up

"hi I'm Jimin kookies boyfriend and so is Tae"

yoongi ignored Jimin "umm ok anyways hoseok what do you plan to do for summer break?"

" oh I don't I don't really have anything to do"

"oh you should give me your number so we can hang out sometime"
Hoseok nods



Tae dropped Jimin off at home

"bye chim!"

" Bye Tae!" bye kookie!"

" bye baby boy"

Jimin blushed and walked away he opened the door and took off his shoes

"Finally your home I need some ass"

I don't know why what but the last sentence makes me laugh😂

Anyways peace out ily✌

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