"You know I will always love you "
"Bitch you better!"
Taehyung longs for someone to be able to tame him,
Jungkook craves for someone to love and to be loved in return, to distract him from his past and
Jimin just wants someone to hold and pr...
Recap he suddenly heres a loud smacking sound he opens his eyes to see jungkook and taehyung
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"Oh my goodnessthe two men I just sohappen to be crushing on were beating the living daylights out of the man that was about to rape me" Jimins mind was running wild To caught up in a daze Jimin didn't notice Taehyung trying to talk to him
"Hey You okay" Tae asked all he could do was stare, Jungkook gently placed his hands on Jimins shoulders
"Hey you okay sweetheart"
"sweetheart? did he just call me sweetheart, this has to be a dream it has to be I couldn't believe the school's hottest boys just saved me"
just as Jimin was going to respond it all went black
"Hey hey you okay!... He-he fainted"
"Thanks captain obvious we need to take him somewhere safe"
"We could go back to my mansion it's safe there"
"Oh yay we get to see the prince's kingdom"
" really you wanna do this here"
" fine let's just go how far is it"
"not that far like 3-5 min away"
"okay help me put him on my back"
Jimin awakes to a cold towel on his head and thick blankets covering him "Oh you're awake you're probably wondering where you are right?" the blonde asked.
Jimin just stared not knowing what to say "Your in my house i'm Taehyung, me and Jungkook saved you from that man" Still staring blankly Taehyung moves closer making jimin' s eyes widen at how close they were "IM KIM TAYHUNG WE have class to-"
"I know who you are" Jimin says in a panic "Oh.... ok umm well do you need anything" Taehyung says pulling backwards
"No what happened to the other guy, Jungkook"
"Oh you mean he's down stairs talking the police we turned him in there just wrapping things up with the details"
just then Jungkook walks in "Oh hey you're awake do feel any better" "Uh yeah thanks for helping me" Jimin says looking down trying to hide his blush Jungkook and Tae both notice and smile "Your welcome are you sure you don't need anything" Jungkook ask again "Yeah but.... "Jimin says looking down
"But what"
"Why did you save me" Jungkook and Tae look at each other"
"We would do this for anyone in your situation"
"Oh Jimin" says a little disappointed
"Also because your really cute" Tae says winking, causing Jimin to look away blushing "th-thanks"
Tae and Jungkook decided to let jimin rest some more and leave the room As Jimin soon falls back to sleep
"Man he's cute" Tae says
"Really" Jungkook says rolling his eyes as they walk down the hallway
"What don't act like you dont think hes cute either i seen the way you look at him" Jungkook looks away embarrassed Tae chuckles "What?" jungkook asked "Oh nothing i just never thought i would have two stunning man in my house"
"You know Jimin is just the cutest and you " Tae chuckled "don't even pretend you don't know how good looking you are i mean your hot i all types of fantasy's about you I mean i've always wonder how it would feel to be under you, begging for you to touch me" Jungkook just stands there, mouth open surprised by Taehyungs sudden confession and shamfullness behaviour Tae stops and looks at him "What don't tell your supprised" he says laughing.
Taehyung gasps as Jungkook suddenly pushes him against the wall roughly "You know what Tae your not the only one who has these fantasies" Jungkook says as he rubs Tae's crotch with his hand causing Tae to moan at the sudden action "You how many times i dreamed of fucking the life out you huh?" Jungkook says adding more pressure to Tae's already hard member. Tae moans in response Jungkook looks at Tae, smirking at his red and aroused face. "Maybe think twice before you try to seduce someone with your words" Jungkook says as he lets go of Tae, Tae looks up at him panting in shock Jungkook smirks again and walks away
"What the hell?!"
Jimin wakes up and is blessed with the sweet smell of tteokbokki and glazed sweet potatoes he follows the smell out the room down the hall and down the stairs which lead him to a kitchen, to his surprise he sees Jungkook cooking while Tae is looking for dishes that match the setting
A/n yes this is a reference to bts run ep 20 just in case you needed to know😁even though no one asked
Jungkook looks up at him "oh hey you're awake, you hungry dinner is almost ready" Jimin just stares at them confused "is something wrong" Tae says Jimin just looks at him "Umm no b-but why?" Jungkook and Tae look at him confused
"Why what?"
"Why are you being so nice to me" Jimin says shyly Jungkook and Tae couldn't help but smile at how cute he was Jungkook walks over to Jimin he places his hand under his chin and lifts his head so Jimin could look him in the eyes "Why? I'll tell you why, because your our classmate therefore that makes you our friend" Jungkook says as he looks back at Tae then looks back at Jimin "or mine at least i don't know about princess over there"
"Yah! I told you not to call me that!" Tae yells at Jungkook with a blush then looks back at Jimin "don't worry Jimin i'm your friend to"
Jimin looks at them and smiles Jungkook smiles back "and also because your really cute" kookie says before walking away
"you got that right" Tae says Jimin blushes and looks away but they were still able to see it
that night they convinced Jimin to stay the night and they just ate and watched a movie. Jimin couldn't be any happier