436 18 13

Hey guys!


what's your least favourite food?○

*Warning after this chapter there will be a bit of angst so yeah just a heads up *

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*Warning after this chapter there will be a bit of angst so yeah just a heads up *


Jungkook nervously figited

"Kookie would you stop figiting and come help set the table" breaking from his trance he went to help his mom

"stop worrying everything will be fine if anything I should be the one nervous" she said roughly, Jungkook laughed  "sorry mom it's just I really love them and I'm nervous" he says with a frown in place Jungkook's mom smiled and cooed "yes I can tell love you haven't really made friends or talked with anyone else besides your brothers since she passed" Jungkook mom breathed in

"but I'm really happy you have and I'm sure she would too, she would be thrilled acuttaly trust me" Jungkook chuckled "I do mom although I do miss her I know she would have liked Jimin and Tae " just then Yoongi walks in "hey what are you guys talking about" miss min smiled "nothing, mind helping me set the table"

" mmm" was yoongi's reply just then they heard the door open and close "momma I'm home!" Yoongi and Jungkook groand as their mom just giggled and smiled "my son come, im in the kitchen" Jackson strolled and graced his mother with a kiss to the cheek "wow the food smells amazing mother" she hummed in response "my darlings should be arriving in a couple of minutes they went to pick up Mark"

" ah! Mark I remember him he is very handsome"

" how did he end up with someone like you it will remain a mystery" yoongi said hastily which Jungkook chuckled to "your just jealous because I have three lovers" yoongi scoffed "please I am very much happy with my Seoki"
Their mother could only smile as they argued glad that they were happy and that they had someone to depend and rely on when she would no longer be present. she New her time on the earth was coming to an end due to her sickness and it was going to take a big impact on them but hopefully with their lovers by their side they would feel less lonely and get over her death quikly, at least that's what she hoped and wanted for, yeah it was sad knowing she wouldn't be able to see her son's grow to fully into men but she somehow knew everything would be ok.

the door bell rang but before anyone could go and open it the door was already thrown open "miss min! I'm back did you miss me!" Promise came in yelling Mark and jinyoung right behind her "Promise manners" jinyoung  sternly said when Jackson wansen't around he the most dominant which was a pretty good system snice Promise needed some one regularly to put her back in her place, Jackson went and kissed both Mark and jinyoung "yah what about me!?" Jackson looked at promise "oh now you aknowlege my existence not a minute ago you only cared for my mom" Promise rolled her eyes and went to Give Jackson a kiss miss min giggled at their behaviour "hello Promise good to see you again, how are you?" Miss min asked as she kissed Promises cheek "wonderful I see Taehyung and Jimin have not arrived?" Promise asked "no they have not"

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