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*sigh* I'm so f×cking tired.....

But anyways I'm back!

Stan Itzy for long lasting life

what's somethings someone has said that really hurt you?○

○what's somethings someone has said that really hurt you?○

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the fire alarm went off great just great


Everyone ended up having to go home earlier I didn't even get to say bye to Tae and kookie


"guess I'll talk to them Tomorrow" I walk into the house and as I was about to go to my room I could feel someone grab my hair and pull, causing me to fall back with panic I try to grab onto tje walls, I already knew who it was

"we'll look who decided to come back" I looked up with tears in my eyes I already knew what was going to happen "d-dad p-please d-dont" I begged, that only made it worse he drags me by hair to my room "ahh! no let go!"

Screaming and kicking only got me a punch in the face "you useless son of bitch! your dumb, ugly and useless just like your mother"

all I could do was cry as I felt his harsh kicks hitting my stomach after about 20mins of tourture he finally stopped "don't come out of your room do you understand me" I just sobbed in pain not wanting to answer "stupid fuck" he mumbled as he slammed my room door after he left I got up and inspected the injury's.  dark bruises decorated my torso there was also a purple bruise on my cheek connecting with my lips *sigh* "he's right I am ugly" I took a shower crying as the water hit my injury's after drying off I put on joggers and a white tee I crawled in the bed and cryed myself to sleep wishing the Pain to go away

Taehyungs POV Tuesday


I looked for kookie running through the halls I saw him talking to a very handsome boy and stunning girl they were laughing and they also very touchy.... To touchy the girl was sliding her hand up and down kookies  "ahem! kookie!"

Jungkook turned to me and smiled "hey baby what's up!"I slowly crept my hand up Jungkook's arm and swiped off the girls hand she just stared at me blankly "nothing I just wanted to talk to you bout something"

"uhh sure but do you think it can wait i-"

"No kookie now" Jungkook squinted his eyes not liking the tone in my voice but he could go kiss a squirrels ass for all I care what I needed to say was serious

"Ok fine sorry guys but I have to go see you later tonight" I scoffed at that "the hell you will" I mumbled so only I could hear but apparently Jungkook heard as well as he gave me a warning glare after saying his useless goodbyes we left and went to the art room

"so Tae what is so important that you had to be rude to me and my friends"

" ok first of all I don't like those so called friends and second what I did was not rude I was simply reminding everyone of  who you belong to"

kookie sighed and came closer "Tae I know who I belong to, you and Jimin are the only ones I want ok" as he leaned in to give me a kiss I pushed him away "yah! speaking of Jimin have you seen him!?"

kookies looked at me confused I took that as a no

"uhh no why is he ok?" I started pacing "no kookie he's not I saw him this morning and there was a huge bruise on his face it looked like someone hit him it looked like it hurt and when I tried to ask about he just got mad and walked away kookie I'm worried bout him what do we do!? "I turned around only to see  kookie burning with anger I walked up to him and pulled his face down to mine "kookie?"

" No one and I mean no one touches my baby's"
for some reason thought that was hot but now wasn't the time for that kookie was pulling me out the room to god knows where "kookie where are we going?

"to find our baby boy"


Sorry I haven't updated in a while my wifi was down so sorry to make you wait I also just wanted to say my favorite  song right now is chicken noodle soup jhope really did good for a remake I love a lot and i was sok happy to see him doing a collab with becky snice she and me were bith raised in the same neighborhood  I feel like I understand her more so yeah that,  I just love bts and Becky G jhope and her are a good dou although I like sope better😁💜

Anyways peace out✌ily

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