"You know I will always love you "
"Bitch you better!"
Taehyung longs for someone to be able to tame him,
Jungkook craves for someone to love and to be loved in return, to distract him from his past and
Jimin just wants someone to hold and pr...
_______________________________________ ○what's your favourite kpop song○
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Jungkook just stood there trying to process what just happened while Tae turns to Jimin
"and you"
Jimin looks up at Tae shocked that he's being mentioned
"park Jimin why?, ....Why are you so cute I just want to keep you away from everyone I wish I could put you in my pocket and take you every where I go" Tae then leans in and kisses him. Jimin was to shocked and before he knew it they were making out, Finally Tae pulls away
"so what do you say guys wanna be my boyfriend's?"......
Jimin and Tae were walking out of class
"So Jimin you never answered me will you be my boyfriend"
Jimin blushes and smiles "i would love to Tae but what about Jungkook i also like him"
Tae humms "yeah Your right we should go find him" they both head back into the main hall
" do you think he'll reject us?" Jimin asks timidly
Tae scoffed "no"
'how are you so sure?"
Taehyung smirked
"because what Taehyung wants Taehyung gets" Jimin laughs at Tae as They start heading to the heading to gym in hopes to find him there, they spot some guy shooting hoops
Tae: "hey have you seen Jeon Jungkook"
Guy: "yeah he's in the locker room with Jackson they were talking looked pretty serious"
Tae: "oh ok thanks "
Guy: "yeah no problem "
Tae and Jimin head in the locker room only find Jackson hugging Jungkook
"Its ok kookie don't let the past hold you back" Jackson says in a low voice but loud enough for Jimin and Tae to hear. Tae and Jimin look at each other confused
"Umm sorry to interrupt you and your moment but Jungkook we need to talk to you"
Jungkook turns to find Tae and Jimin standing there "oh hey let me grab my stuff i'll meet you outside" they both nod as they head to the parking lot
Taehyung and Jimin were waiting by Tae's car,
Tae could tell Jimin was nervous so he held his hands
"Hey don't be nervous we can make this work" Jimin smiles and nods just as Jungkook came running out with a smirk he runs up to them and pecks them both on the lips
Jimin and Tae are both paralized with shock
"Sorry i was late Jackson hyung kept talking" just then Tae slaps Jungkooj
"Im sorry ok i was just shocked by your confession that i just couldnt belive to cute boys want to be mine... forgive me please" Jungkook begged giving them puppy eyes Jimin starts laughing at how Ridiculous he looked shaking his head
Tae sighs "fine only if Jimin does" they both look at Jimin waiting for his response
Jimin blushes as he pulles kookie down and pecks jungkook on the lips "i forgive you" he says with a smile they hang out for a little more then decied to head home Tae drops both of them of at there house as they says bye to each other
As soon as Jimin walked in he was pushed up against the wall
"Where the hell you been rat!"
Jimin coughs as he tries to regain the breath that was knocked out of him "D-dad please l-let me go" Jimin begged
Jimins dad was now chocking him right when he was blacking out his dad let him go
"Useless piece of shit!" he yelled, with struggle Jimin stood and went straight to his room not even bothering to remove his clothes to examine the damage, he lays on his and cried himself to sleep
*Next day*
Of course Jimin went to shool like nothing happend for there was nothing else he could do
"yah! Jimin-ah! "
Jimin sighed "the abuse just keeps coming"
He turns to see bambam walking up to him "Great more endless tourture" He thought to himself bambam roughly pushed Jimin against the wall
"I don't know what you did to make Jeon stand up for you like that, you probably sucked his dick for all I know but I doubt it Will happen again" He said smirking just as babam was about to punch Jimin someone yelled from the distance
"Yah get away from my chimchim!"
Jimin turned he saw Taehyung running down the hall with his hair sticking up and flushed face "TAE!?"
Welp that sucks Jimin gets abused and bullied, man hard life