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Ok so some people are a little confused so let me explain a bit

Yoongi and jungkook are brothers and since they were baby's they have been friends with Jackson so they basically think of him as there brother,

now here is where the spoiler comes in

there dad was abusive and so was Jacksons dad so yoongis mom ( also kookies mom) ran away along with Jacksons mom because they were Best friends since they were little

BUT!!!  They had Someone else with them , I won't tell you who for the sake of the story anyways there was someone else with them when they ran away, someone very special to them

then the Jacksons mom died because there dad's found them again and beat jacksons mom and she passed away but luckily the police arrived before they (the dad's ) could hurt anyone else now while all this is happening

something also happens to the special someone so then it was only yoongi , jungkook , Jackson and there mom

after finding out what happened to there special one they became very depressed and cold it was hard for them mostly yoongi but then Jackson meets 3 lovely people that he fell in love with , jungkook began to have a crush on tae but didn't want to be happy because he felt guilty (b/c of there special person wasn't in there life anymore) but then he couldn't help falling in love with Jimin then we'll you now the rest.

If your still confused don't worry you will understand through out the story  I was going to explain this a little later in the story but I couldn't help to see my readers so confused _Allie4499 ily hopefully this helped keep reading to understand luv u 💜💜


Peace out✌

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