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Hola! I'm back! Not dead, well not yet but anyways here's deserved a chapter


Can I just say the dynamite teaser is making me lose my mind I'm so excited!

P.s eimo means aunt in Korean


Jungkook nervously fidgeted as He Patiently sat on the couch, yoongi on his left and Jackson on his right. They were all waiting for the same thing, Answers.

"ok I know you guys are really confused" Jisoo said as she walked into the room "so how about this I'll sit here while you guys ask what you need to ask but please don't talk all at once, now let's begin who wants to go first"


"wait I just realized we don't have a clue as to where they are or went," Jinyoung said, Taehyung paused "your right, Mark do you have any idea as to where they could be" Mark shook his head "well great!" Promise said aggravated before  slamming her hand down on Tae's car "great now what do?" Taehyung huffed.

"we could just wait" Jimin mumbled, "what was that baby?" Jimin looked up at taehyung "I said we could maybe just wait, we could all go to your house stay there and see if they come back" taehyung looked around "you guys cool with that" the other nodded "we have nothing better to do" promise grumbled


"J-jisoo is- h-how?"

Jisoo chuckled dryly "should I just start from the beginning" they all sniffled and nodded "ok then, well it started when...."


"Eimo we have to hurry the boys are going to be here soon", they were celebrating jungkook, Jackson and yoongi junior high graduation, Ms. Wang smiled "ok ok I'll set the cake and food up you finish the decorations" jisoo hummed in agreement, they both began to work on their separate task when they suddenly heard a loud banging on the door startled they looked up at each other in puzzlement, the boys and MS Lee weren't supposed to be back till 8:30 and it was only 6:00, the banging continued and preceded to get louder "who the hell is that," jisso said in annoyances "yah! jisoo language" jisoo sheepishly smiled "sorry Eimo" Ms wang shook her head "I'll go see who's at the door you continue" jisoo nodded "ok"

" I'll be right back" jisoo watched as Ms. Wang left to go see who's at the door shrugging she hummed as she continued to put the decor together, jisoo walked over grabbing the leftover decorations ready to put then away when a piercing scream filled the house. Dropping the box of decorations jisoo ran towards the front door, she gasped as she saw Mr. Wang, Jackson's dad holding her eimo by the neck looking more livid than ever "so this is where you've been hiding huh slut" Ms. Wang cried out as she clawed at her ex-husbands arm only for him to pull her hand away thinking quick jisoo grabbed a nearby umbrella and swung the handle down onto his head.

Mr. Wang turned towards her evil shining in his eyes "you" Mr. Wang threw his wife to the floor as he kept his eyes on jisoo who was now backing away in fear Ms. Wang shot up and grabbed her late husband by the arm pulling him down as she swung her foot underneath him knocking him off his feet she stared into jisoo's stunned eyes "RUN JISOO, RUN!" tears ran down her face "but-" "NOW! GO!" she shouted, rejected jisoo turned and bolted for the back door she ran and ran crossing paths and roads not even paying attention when a car came speeding at her.


Jungkook sniffled "and what happened after that?" jisoo sighed "well I was taken to the hospital and kept there I was in a coma for 3 months and had to go through 6 months of physical therapy" she looked at them with sad eyes that quickly sparkled with happiness

"but that's all in the past for now let's cuddle watch a movie and catch up I want to know what you guys have been up to" jisoo gushed yoongi Jackson and jungkook smiled fondly at her as they nodded in agreement.


"Ugh! This is unbelievable they aren't even picking up their phones" taehyung shouted. The five were all sitting in taehyungs room, sulking

"W-what if they forget about us and leave us for jisoo," jimin said dejected Taehyung Turned to Jimin and pulled him into a hug "then we'll beat the shit out of them and then we can all hook up" promise quirked her brow "who said I want to be in a relationship with you," she remarked Tae scoffed "please it would be an honor for you don't act like you don't want me" promise only rolled her eyes in response "well how bout we just stay the night here and see what happens tomorrow is that ok with you Tae?" jinyoung asked taehyung nodded "yeah it's fine by me there's a guest room next door but I suggest using the one down the hall" jinyoung nodded "ok thanks," jinyoung said as he stood pulling mark with him who was starting to fall asleep "mmm," taehyung said in response "come on promise" promise huffed as she stood "alright good night see you tomorrow," she said giving both Tae and jimin a kiss on the cheek before leaving.


Yikes, what is happening!

anyways tell me what you guys think so far, what do you think of jisoo?

Ily peace out✌

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