"You know I will always love you "
"Bitch you better!"
Taehyung longs for someone to be able to tame him,
Jungkook craves for someone to love and to be loved in return, to distract him from his past and
Jimin just wants someone to hold and pr...
Jisoo was on the couch petting her kitten when bang came walking in "sup uncle" bang sighed "ok don't freak out" jisoo raised her brow "don't freak out about what" bang sighed again "two weeks from now you'll be able to see them" Jisoo's eyes widened "REALLY!?" bang smiled and nodded which caused Jisoo stood from her spot and ran right into bang, forcing him into a bear hug with her death grip tight on his muscles "thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" Bang smiled "your welcome now go get dressed were gonna go eat out there's some news you need to hear" Without second guessing Jisoo went to get dressed...
Jungkook frowned as he looked in the mirror he had been trying to figure out how to fix hair for the past five minutes, sighing he gave up "kookie you look great"
Jungkook turned and smiled "thanks chim" they were all currently getting ready for the funeral only about 20 people had notified that they were coming some were people Jungkook new and some were friends with his mom and then there were their neighbors who lived on the same block as them who also decided to pay respect. Jimin stood and walked over to Jungkook pulling him into a hug "kookie if your mom was here she would tell you to stop fussing" Jungkook chuckled "yeah she would wouldn't she" Jungkook pulled his head back smiling as he stared at Jimin "your beautiful" he whispered Jimin reflected Jungkook's smile "and your dashing now let's go before Tae comes and try to fix your image which will take hours" Jungkook laughed "is that an insult" Jimin giggled as he dragged Jungkook out the room and toward the exit that led to the outside (the funeral is outdoors) "only if you take it as one love"
○what's your favourite animal?○
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Jisoo bounced in her seat they were currently at a very expansive restaurant "oh my gosh I can't wait to see my babies im gonna kiss them all over" Jisoo gasped "what do you think they'll say when they see me" bang smiled "they'll probably be to shocked to say anything" Jisoo giggled "yeah your right their probably super good looking and buff" Jisoo giggled again " I can already see bunny pushing away any girl who tries to flirt with him" bang smiled
"Jisoo dear remember when I Said I have news for you?" He said with despair Jisoo nodded as she sipped from her drink bang gave a sad smile "well the things is......."
Jisoo's face dropped tears fell from her face
It was now the end of the funeral and everyone was leaving it was starting to rain the only ones left at the tomb of M.s Lee were Jungkook, yoongi Jackson and their lovers, they stayed and comforted each other after some time they were about ready to leave when a small voice stopped Jackson yoongi and Jungkook in their tracks
_______________________________________ Hey sorry for being late but life's kinda crazy right now I don't no about you guys but in live in Washington and my school literally closed for a month in a half and I'm so devastated, all state testing like the SAT has been canceled and my AP exam, I'm bummed because I needed those college credits but there nothing I can do about. my trip to vist family califoniania has also been cancled apparently no one is allowed to leave Washington. But anyways make sure you guys stay safe