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I'm back looking like a snack except I feel like crap🤧


         ○are by any chance LGBTQ+○

         ○are by any chance LGBTQ+○

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Tae was all up in bambams face pushing out his chest

"what the hell do you think your doing to my chimchim!" He shouted

Bambam scoffed pushing Taehyung back"Kicking his ass why want me to kick yours to" bambam said smirking, at this point Tae probably would have been a little scared but no, not now, not when he had his secret weapon. Tae goes to stand in front of Jimin pushing bambam out of the way

"You cant touch us" Tae said smirking

"Yeah whys that"

"Because if you do our boyfriend will kick your ass"

"And who's your boyfriend probably another fag"

Tae smiles as he calmly says

"actually no its Jeon Jungkook and i dont think he would appreciate you calling him that, I see your wrist looks kinda fucked up from the last time you upset him"

Tae says point to babams sprained wrist that was bruised and casted

"maybe I should ask him to do the same to the other what do you think chim"

Jimin was between the boys scared not knowing what to say

"Yeah right Jeon is not gay and even if he was he wouldnt go for some fags like you"

"Ahhh thats where your wrong anyways I tried to warn you looks like you just dug your on
grave" Tae syas walking away

"Tae! Why are we in the bathroom?" Jimin whispered yelled

"Because that idiot wont leave you
alone until someone teaches him a lesson preferably kookie"
Tae says pulling out some makeup
"What are you doing?"

Tae smiles

"Starting a fire"


"So" Jackson says nervous
" you Jimin and Tae is official"

"Yeah but i still feel bad like really bad hyung"

Jackson looks at Jungkook sadly but  before he could say anything

"oh Kookie baby!" Jackson gasped

"Oh so he can call kookie in public but not me"

"Yes glad you finally caught on"

"Wow im offened ive been w- HOLY SHIT!"


Jungkook turned to see what Jackson was looking at and when he saw Jimin and Tae he got up so fast he saw stars, Tae had a puple bruise on his cheek and eye while Jimin had one on cheek and shoulder


Jimin Pats jungkook on the shoulder "kookie its ok its not as bad as it looks"

"yes it is" Tae said smileing

Jimin glares at Tae, Tae glares back

Jungkook sighed angrily " i just want to know how the hell this happend "

Jimin nervously looked down "well... you see.... I-"

"it was bambam!" Tae says smiling Jimin looks at glares at him again with anyoance

Jimin turns back toward Jungkook
"Now kookie before you do anything stupid i want you to no that there is a thing called jail and we dont need you going there ok" Jimin said trying to give him his best cute smile

"Yeah of course chim nothing stupid me and Jackson are just going to take a quick walk" Jimin looks at Jungkook suspiciously

"Ok lets go together"

"No that's ok you stay here"


"You go head kookie we'll meet you after school" Tae said giving Jungkook a peck before running off dragging Jimin behind him


Sorry if there are a lot of mistakes I wrote this at like 11:30 and finished around 12:10am so I'm just really tired but I'll try to update more 😉 ily

Peace out✌

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