"You know I will always love you "
"Bitch you better!"
Taehyung longs for someone to be able to tame him,
Jungkook craves for someone to love and to be loved in return, to distract him from his past and
Jimin just wants someone to hold and pr...
Hey guys so a lot of stuff has happened since I last updated sorry it's late but I lost my notebook in which I wrote the chapters in and I could not find it for the longest but anyways here I am
P.s plz read the ending message
Sorry for the short chapter ______________________________________
○what's a BTS song that you think is underrated or not talked aboutoften?○
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"I didn't really think to believe the rumors till one night when our class took a camping trip...."
"Oh come on Mark don't be a baby!" Mark pouted "yugyeom you do know what you're asking me right, were going to get caught" yugyeom rolled his eyes "not if you be quiet now let's go" Mark sighed, as he Crept out the cabin, much to his displeasure, he watched as his cousin motioned for him to follow, they quickly made their way down the path in which led to another cabin they made sure not to wake anyone in the process Mark sighed again "so were are exactly are we going again" yugyeom smiled "to jabums and suhos cabin they'll be expecting us" after a few minutes of walking they finally made it to the others cabin, they quickly approached the cabin and knocked quietly jaebum opened the door "hey guys come in" he whispered. the three immediately started playing card games while betting money on the winners while Mark sat in the corner bored after about hour, mark huffed with a pout "hey I'm gonna head back I'm getting pretty tired"
" ok Hyung don't wait up for me"
"mmm" Mark left and made his way back up the path to his cabin wanting to just go back to sleep, he was halfway there when he suddenly heard voices puzzled he looked around, finally realizing they were coming from the bathroom he went closer to hear, he could faintly make out someone crying
"Jackson it's ok I miss her too"
" I know jungkook it's just... i-i dreament about that o-one time we argued about h-how many kids would make a perfect family and I dreament that s-she was in a wedding dress and she looked so pretty" jungkook chuckled "yeah I remember that she said she wanted eight kids yoongi nearly exploded he kept telling her that her body was too fragile for eight kids" Jackson laughed "yeah... gosh I miss her I wish... " *sigh* jungkook pulled Jackson into a hug "me too Hyung, me too" Mark quickly left before he could be noticed. upon reaching his cabin he began to undress only leaving on his boxers he climbed in bed
"huh, I guess the rumors were true....
they do have a fiance"
The others just stared at Mark as he finished his story "so your telling me that bitch just stole my man?" promised scoffed "And mine?! oh hell no" Tae said
"guys what are supposed to do" tae looked at jinyoung "bitch what do you mean! let's go get our mans " tae then grabbed promise and the two walked towards the exit, Jimin huffed "I don't like this at all" and began to follow the other two jinyoung looked at Mark who the whole entire time had his head down "come on baby don't worry everything will be alright."
Hey guys so if you live in America or on earth you would most likely no a lot of shit has been happening an honestl,y right now I wish not to be American but it is what it is. I feel like total crap but just stay strong stand up for what's right
P.s I'm super proud of how-pop stans are handling the whole BLM movement, as a Black and native American woman I'm very grateful for such allies, let's get through this together Luvv u guys and remember BLM IS NOT A TREND
#BLM #inthistogether #ARMY #love #KPOPSTANS #BTS
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