Snack Break

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I knocked on Annie's door and stepped back. She opened the door and seemed confused. Her brown hair was down and her bangs were perfectly straight over her forehead. No makeup on and in pink pajamas.

"It's 12PM. I figured you'd be dressed." I said.

"I'm trying to relax. I finished one of my books. Have you finished 'The Count Of Monte Cristo' yet?" Annie asked.

"I'm halfway through it. It's really good so far. I like your taste in books. Actually, I wanted to know if you wanted to get ice cream. Do you want to?"

"Totally! Just let me get dressed and I'll be right outside. I like your beanie, by the way. It seems really classic." She nodded and closed the door. I sighed and walked to Leah's room. I knocked on the door and and it took her a minute to answer. She answered and gave a weak smile.

"Hey, Jughead. What are you doing here?" Leah asked.

"I'm just checking on you. How are you?"

"I'm in pain. But the painkillers have definitely helped me. So, what are you doing today?" Leah asked and leaned against her doorway.

"I'm getting ready to go on a walk with Annie and get ice cream. I'm on a sugar kick right now." I chuckled. Leah smirked and blushed.

"You've got a thing for Annie now? You got a thing for my older sister?"

"No! I don't like her like that. We're just friends." I shrugged. Leah rolled her eyes and shrugged. Leah looked over my shoulder and I turned around. Annie walked out of her room with her hair pulled back into a ponytail. She had a pink sweater on and light blue jeans. She had on gloves and a mask.

"You ready?" Annie asked. I nodded and Leah went into her room and shut her door. Annie and I walked away and walked down the hall.

"So Jughead, did you have any childhood pets growing up?" Annie asked starting the conversation.

"I had a dog. I had him as a toddler and before I got sick. What about you?"

"I hate dogs. I'm more of a cat person. I had a cat when I was 9 and her name was Snowflake. May she Rest In Peace. What kind of ice cream are you going to get?"

"Probably strawberry. I love strawberry ice cream!" I exclaimed.

"I love mint chocolate chip. But I also love strawberry ice cream so we're in the same boat. What were you and Leah talking about?"

"I just asked her how she was doing. She says she's in a lot of pain." I sighed. It sucks having something awful in your organs.

"She's had severe liver problems since she was diagnosed. She's in major need of a liver transplant. I need a heart transplant severely. You need a lung transplant severely. But the stupid doctors are trying to cure the contagiousness first. Dibbisons is spreading and we all just need to be supported. I heard more people are coming here. 2 boys and 1 girl. That'll be fun, I guess."

"Ann, everything will be ok. We're gonna work our way around this stupid disease." I said and took her hand. She looked at me and shock and then looked away. She didn't bother to let go. She moved farther away from me so we kept our distance while holding hands. This is amazing.

We let go of each other and opened the double doors to the cafeteria. We walked up to the stand and got our ice creams. We walked over and Annie sat at one table and I sat at the other table. We dug into our ice creams and continued a conversation.

"Political beliefs?" Annie asked.

"I don't really like politics. They're too problematic and it's not really something I like debating over. Alright...what's your favorite band?"

"Three Days Grace. Who's your idol?" Annie asked and took a gigantic bite of ice cream.

"I've always wanted to be like Cole Sprouse. Apparently, he's my celebrity look alike. Who's your celebrity look alike?" I asked.

"Mandy Moore. What's your favorite TV show? Mine is 'Gilmore Girls' and it's a great show."

"I like 'Supernatural' because there's a lot of action in that show and it's so cool. I'm already done with my ice cream. I feel bad about myself now. I look at it now, I'm supposed to be doing my afflo-vest right now." I groaned. Annie nodded and pointed to the door.

"Then go do your afflo-vest! I'll be fine here. You go and do what you need to do. I'll see you later, Jug." Annie said. I gave a weak smile and walked towards the door. I threw my ice cream cup away in the trash can and walked into the hall. I walked all the way back to my room and shut the door behind me. I went and grabbed my afflo-vest and put it on. I thought about Annie...and just smiled.

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