A Little Crazy

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I got my jacket on and put my oxygen concentrator in my bag. I left my room and looked for nurses, there was nobody in sight. I snuck down the hall and knocked on Annie's door. There was no answer so I knocked louder. She answered the door and yawned.

"Jughead? What are you doing here? It's like 1AM." Annie moaned.

"Get dressed and meet me by the backdoor in the hallway. I'll be waiting for you." I smiled. Annie gave a weak smile and closed the door. I went to the elevator and went to the first floor. I snuck past more doctors and nurses and got to the backdoor in the dark hallway. I reached in my bag and pulled out gloves. I put them on and exhaled. I heard footsteps down the hall and saw Annie walking towards me.

"Jughead, what's going on?" Annie giggled.

"We're going out. Let's be teenagers for one night and then go back to our chronic illness lives." I said.

"You're crazy."

"I know. Are you coming?" I asked. Annie nodded and we went out the backdoor. We both laughed and took off running. My lungs wheezed as I ran. We didn't stop running for awhile until we got to Main Street. The streets were crowded and the cars were going fast. What were so many people doing outside at 1AM? Whatever, it's Seattle.

"We should put on gloves and a mask. You got any spare ones?" Annie asked. I pulled some out of my bag and handed them to her. She put them on and I put a mask on too. I couldn't stop staring at her.


"Yes, Jughead?"

"You're beautiful. You're one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen."

"Thank you. I think you're quite handsome." Annie smirked and looked away from me. She has obviously never been hit on before.

"You wanna go to the book store?" I asked.

"Of course, I do!"

"Then let's go!" I exclaimed. We took off again and ran down the streets. I was scared that Annie's heart was gonna erupt so I stopped running. She stopped running too and panted.

"Annie, are you ok?" I asked stepping a little closer to her.

"Yeah, I just need to do more exercise. Let's go." Annie said. We walked down the street and I held her hand. We stretched our arms and just walked. People were staring at us like we were crazy. And they were right, we're absolutely insane.

We made it to the book store and went inside. We looked at each other and laughed. We roamed the place and looked at all the books. Annie bought "A Walk To Remember" and I bought "The Boy In The Striped Pajamas". We sat down and read our books.

"You look really good at that angle. I'm gonna take a picture of you." I said. Annie rolled her eyes and stayed in that position. I pulled out my phone and took a picture.

"How do I look in the photo?" Annie asked

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"How do I look in the photo?" Annie asked. I showed her and she nodded. She took out her phone and pointed it at me. "Fine. Now let me take a picture of you."

"Jughead! You didn't look at the camera or even smile

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"Jughead! You didn't look at the camera or even smile. What are you writing about?" Annie asked and put her phone away.

"It's my journal. When I'm dead, my family can read it. Betty inspired me to start writing." I chuckled. There was a moment of silence and then Annie did a loud sigh.

"You really miss her, don't you?"

"More than anything else in this world." I said.

"You should call her then. Look Jughead, I know what you're doing. I like you too, a lot. But I can't be your rebound or your distraction. I want who loves me and only me."

"Ann! I do...like you. I like you so much and you're beautiful. I'm willing to give my all to be with you. I think you're the most amazing girl ever-"

"But that's the problem, I'm not. You're saying the exact words you've already said to someone else. Jughead, we can be friends. Right now, you're my best friend. You're my angel." Annie weakly smiled and put her hand over mine.

"We should probably get going. I don't want the nurses to notice that we're gone." I said and stood up. Annie could only respond with:

"Yeah, we wouldn't want that."

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