It's Cold Outside

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For the next few days, it didn't stop snowing. It wasn't Halloween yet and it was 2-degrees outside. The hospital made sure it was extra warm in it and have been giving out hot chocolate for lunch and dinner.

I was sitting in the lobby and I was reading my book. I heard laughing and squealing. I didn't bother to look up until I heard running towards me. I saw Leah running down the hall. She had a coat, hat, gloves, and a scarf on. Sam followed who struggled because her Oxygen Concentrator was in her backpack. She had winter clothes on too.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked and closed my books.

"We're going outside." Leah giggled.

"I don't think you should do that. It's super cold and it's still snowing really hard. Sam, you already have a hard time breathing."

"Jughead, don't be a fun-kill! Come outside with us! Pretty please." Sam said and gave a sad face. Leah joined in and I shook my head. They started whimpering and I groaned. I stood up and chuckled.

"Fine! Give me a minute." I smiled. The girls cheered and I gave another laugh. I walked to my room and put my oxygen concentrator in my backpack. Put my coat, beanie, gloves, and scarf on. I walked back to the lobby and I saw the girls. They were flirting. "I'm ready." I said. They saw me and laughed. The walked off and I followed them. Sam went into the elevator.

"I would let you in...but 8-feet apart." Sam sighed.

"It's alright. I like the stairs." I said. The elevator doors closed and Leah took off for the stairs. I waited a couple minutes after Leah walked to the door to go downstairs. I soon followed and went downstairs. I checked to make sure there were no doctors. There were only a couple so it would be really easy to sneak past. I ran past and went to the door in the back hallway. I went outside and panted because of the pace. I did run pretty fast. But like typical 14-year old girls, they're scary.

I all of a sudden start getting ambushed with snowballs. I look up and see the girls laughing. The snow was to my knees and my legs were so cold. It didn't matter, it was gorgeous outside. I picked up a snowball and threw it at Leah. It hit her in the head and she gasped.

"Jughead, you're gonna die!" She laughed. Sam threw a snowball at her and Leah threw one back at Sam. We were all just running around and trying to hit each other with the snowballs. After a few minutes, we all took time to catch our breaths. All of a sudden, Leah started singing "Let It Snow". Sam joined in and then I did too. But that's the thing, we were dancing around and looked like idiots. We sang off-key and smiling big.

"Since we've no place to go, Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!" We all sang loudly. We all started laughing super loud...which got us caught. We saw Honey standing by the door and he had an angry face.

"Crap." Sam, Leah, and I all said at the same time.

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