The Rumble Pt. 3

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I had been driving for over an hour now. I was on a pretty empty road. I was only a few minutes away from Annie's location. She had stayed at the bridge. I was gonna drag her into this truck and take her to the hospital. Why was she out here anyways?

That's when I saw a figure up ahead. The figure was sitting on the ledge of the bridge. The lake was right below her. I got closer and saw that it was Annie. I sighed in relief and I pulled over. I parked the car and turned the car off. I left the keys in there and I got out. I walked over to the ledge and Annie looked at me confused.

"Jug...what are you doing here?" Annie asked.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I wanted to get out of that place. My sister is on the verge of dying and there's nothing I can do about it. The ice is frozen solid right below us." Annie said beginning to cry.

"Please, just come back." I exhaled. She looked over at me and weakly smiled.

"Ok." She said. I walked towards her but then I slipped. I fell over the ledge and fell right on to the ice. However, it wasn't frozen solid. I fell into the frozen water. It felt like knives were stabbing me. It hurt so much and was so hard to breathe. I took off my backpack and my oxygen tube. I tried to swim up, but I couldn't. The pressure was too hard. I started to feel sleepier and sleepier. I took my last breath...and drifted off into sleep.

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