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this might be short omg. i feel like shit im sick sorry.


Louis was quiet when he walked home, the rain dripping down his smooth baby face. He wasn't saying hi to the friendly people on the street like he usually did, he just kept his head down and kept on walking. How did someone expect him to smile when he was dealing with something like this. Just because he's gay, his whole family hated him. He didn't know what to do. Louis sighed and looked up at the door once he arrived at the bright blue house. "Here I go." He took a deep breath, setting his hand on the door knob. He opened it and gulped, not making eye contact with his father. "You can go up to your room and get started on your homework. I'll call you when suppers done," His father said gruffly, with no emotion at all. Louis nodded, walking up to his room with a pain stricken face. His dad hated him! He opened the door to his bedroom and gasped, much to his surprise, there sat Harry, smiling wide. 

"What are you doing here!?" Was the first thing that came out of Louis' mouth, confused how he got in. Harry grinned and took Louis' hand. "Earlier, I came here and talked to your parents.." Harry started making Louis whine. "They locked you in here!?" Louis yelled. "No Louis! Be reasonable now come on." Harry chuckled, "We had a long talk about you and our relationship. It took some convincing but they're letting us see each other." Harry smiled at the squeal Louis let out. "Really!? Oh my god Harry! Thank you so much!" Louis tackled the tall lad in a strong bear hug. "You're very welcome babe." Harry stroked Louis' hair gently. "But you can't move in with me or sign anything until summer break, so we have about a month to figure everything out." Harry cleared his throat. Louis nodded. "Yeah, of course. Can we look for houses over spring break? I just got out today. I'm let out for a week." Louis smiled. Harry shrugged. "Don't you think its a little early hm? We still have to go over your colors, your contract, your strengths and your not so strengths. We have alot to go over babe." Harry chuckled sadly. Louis nodded. "I suppose you're right. Come on, let's go see what my Mom's making for supper." Louis giggled taking Harry's hand. 

Harry followed and smiled at Louis' father. "Thank you so much, Sir." Harry cleared his throat. "You're welcome. You two deserve to be happy. Don't stress over this you have to be straight shit. Fuck what other people think." Louis' Father snorted, making his wife gasp. "Mark! Don't curse like that!" She scolded, wagging her finger at her husband firmly. Louis smiled. "Thanks so much guys." 

Yeah, life was good. 


im sorry i told u it would be short, my ear and head hurts so bad. my throat is swollen i cant swallow shit, i might have to get my tonsils taken out im sorry. 

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