CH 5: Hero vs. Shinobi

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The shinobi just smiles wider, cocking his head to one side.

"Likewise," he purrs, finally taking his hands out of his pockets. Dropping into a dangerous stance, his arms ready to defend and attack at the same time. "Though that all depends if you can even lay a finger on me."

Bakugou P. O. V.

There's a slight chill in the air with the changing of the seasons, as Class A watched two destructive powers stalk each other around the training ground. Two pairs of crimson eyes silently measuring up their opponents. No one in the audience dared make a sound as the seconds dragged on. The tension in the air smothering as they waited for the inevitable booms of Bakugou's devastating explosions. It might have been their nerves, but the area around them already felt warmer.

Bakugou was uncharacteristically calm, which terrified his classmates. He usually would charge in, explosions blazing. Perhaps he finally learned his lesson after failing to get his Provincial License. Deku watched his childhood friend facing off against an unknown enemy. His body crouched in his usual stance, ready to pounce with deadly accuracy, but still, he held his attack. Deku, of course, had a few theories as to why he would behave like this, though there was no way to be sure until the scene before him played out.

"Though that all depends if you can even lay a finger on me," The shinobi's words echoed in the ash blonde's head again as the teens circle each other for the third time. The playful smirk was never leaving Kyo's face. Only growing larger as he continued to circle the Beast of Class 1A. He was baiting him, that much was clear. He wanted Bakugou to lose his cool. To charge in blindly and fall prey to his quirk. But taunts don't work on Bakugou. 'I'm going to do more than lay a finger on you. I'm going to wipe the smug look off your face,' Bakugou vowed silently.

He narrowed his eyes, focusing on the teen's movements. They were incredibly fluid and precise. Not an ounce of energy wasted in anything he does. No doubt achieved through years of experience in the field. Despite Bakugou's natural ability, that's not something he could ever hope to emulate in the measly months he's been at UA. That already puts him at a considerable disadvantage. Not to mention his rival's most significant advantage over him. The fact that Bakugou has no idea what this kid's quirk was and that he probably knows Bakugou's thanks to the Sports Festival being broadcast across Japan. 'Well, I've never shied away from a challenge,' he thought with a grin.

Before they could circle their makeshift arena for the fifth time, Bakugou lunges forward suddenly, swinging his usual right hook. Though this time, he aimed for the ground instead of attacking his opponent directly. Filling the air with thick smoke and ungodly heat, which immediately enveloped his opponent. The powerful blast sends the resulting debris flying towards the hidden shinobi at devastating speeds. Projectiles, he won't be able to see until they pelt him within the smokescreen. Without pausing, Bakugou aims another explosive swing where he believes Kyo is but hits nothing but air.

Before Bakugou can regain his bearings, something heavy abruptly hits him in the gut, almost knocking the wind out of him. His reaction was delayed thanks to the smoke from his own attacks. The hothead is thrown back from the force of the blow but recovers enough to slide to a stop. Resisting the urge to check on the injury. He glares daggers at the cloud of smoke, slowly dissipating to reveal a slightly disheveled teen crouched incredibly low to the ground. Having dodged or reflected most of the debris. A piece of rubble tossed playfully up and down in one of his hands.

"Come on. That can't be everything you've got?"

"Of course not! I'm just getting started!" the ash-blonde assured with a sadistic grin, raising his hands towards Kyo. His classmate's paling as they realized he was preparing for one of his AP shots. A devastating barrage of explosions was unleashed on the orange-haired teen as Bakugou used one of his new special moves, his AP Shot: Auto-cannon. "Now die!"

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