CH 22: The New Class Dynamic

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Kirishima P. O. V.

Class A enjoyed the warmth and comfort their second home provided as they relaxed in each other's company. The dorms protecting them from the dark, frigid Mid-December air. A lot has happened these past few weeks. They had all made great strides in both their Heroics and Quirkless training, which seemed to make them all stronger if Kirishima's sore muscles were anything to go by. Bakugou and Todoroki had also managed to pass their Remedial Classes to join the rest of the class as full-fledged heroes. Kyo and Tohru had cooked them both a feast of their favorite foods to the entire dorm's delight. While Bakugou complained the whole time, Kirishima had caught him going back for thirds when he thought no one was paying attention.

The new students have melded into their class rather easily. It had only been three weeks since they transferred to UA, but it was hard to imagine the class without them. Kyo and Tohru, especially. They both had been adopted into the Bakusquad almost instantly. Though every now and then, Tohru and Mina would be kidnapped by the rest of the girls. The class already picking up their habits and schedules.

The most colorful of the shinobi was mischievous, impatient, extremely competitive, and prone to yelling, but he also had a quieter gentler side to him. If Kyo wasn't with Tohru or the other members of Bakugou's entourage, you could find him drawing or napping on the roof or in the big Cherry Blossom tree out front. High places seemed to put him at ease, but it was a wonder how he never fell, considering he always had an arm or leg dangling while he slept. After discovering the explosive shinobi wasn't nearly as prickly as Bakugou, the class learned they could persuade Kyo to do almost anything if they turned it into a competition. If that doesn't work, a food bribe usually does. And when all else fails, you ask Tohru to get him to do it. That boy was absolute putty in her hands. For how confidently he carries himself, he blushes brightly whenever she asks him to do something. Kirishima noticed that a subtle blush also colors his cheeks when he starts talking about something he enjoys like martial arts. His crimson eyes sparkling with childlike wonder, though he blushes even harder when he catches himself nerding out in front of people.

Tohru, on the other hand, had a heart of pure gold. Finding beauty in everything around her and loved all living things. One day Koda came crying downstairs with his pet rabbit cradled in his arms. His bunny had sprained its foot doing a series of jumps. Tohru had gently taken the poor creature from his arms and calmly showed Koda how to care for the injury. A few minutes later, the bunny was as good as new. Afterward, she added animal medicine to his training to better care for the animals under his control. Her presence was a welcomed addition to the class. She quickly became the mother figure of the dorms by keeping them all well fed with her love of cooking and baking. True to her word, she prepared dinner for everyone every night, often taking people's requests and accommodating people's dietary needs. Even concocting a terrifyingly spicy smoothie for Bakugou before every morning workout.

No one knew how she managed to do so with everything else going on in their lives, but she carried out her duties with a blinding smile on her face. Instantly winning the hearts of every class member. Everyone stepped up to make sure she didn't have to do the dishes or deliver meals to Aizawa sensei for her in an effort to lighten her load. All Might help the poor soul that ever tries to stand against her. They would not only have to answer to Kyo, but her 21 adopted children as well.

Tsubasa was definitely the most mature of the shinobi. Often stepping in to be the voice of reason whenever his brother became overzealous in class or in social situations. Unlike his brother, the wind user was more of an introvert. Preferring to socialize in small groups. He tended to hang out with Shinsou and Deku a lot but also enjoyed reading in the shared space. Tsubasa had swiftly read through Midoriya's collection of quirk notebooks during his first week. It was a common sight to see him and Midoriya discussing them at length over a cup of tea. The wind user was very kind, patient and soft-spoken, not one to rock the boat but would be happy to help whenever he could. Often demonstrating moves taught in class if someone asked. Even going so far as to slow the movement down to better understand it.

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