CH 18: The Detonation And Transformation Quirks Explained

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Kyo P. O. V.

Twenty-one haggard bodies stumbled from Gym Gamma after the lunch bell finally sounded. Freeing them from their unrelenting training at Kyo's merciless hands. Every student was covered in burns and bruises, making them look like they just barely survived a Villain attack. Their rundown appearances, coupled with the half-crazed look in their eyes, frightened the other students. The other classes were giving them a wide berth as they entered the cafeteria in search of food. A wise decision since the future heroes had definitely worked up an unholy appetite.

The whole class had towered their trays high with an assortment of food and then proceeded to devour it all in record time. The friendly banter and laughing that usually filled the two cafeteria tables that Class A frequented, was replaced with the sounds of loud chewing. Not caring in the least of what passerby's thought. They hadn't lived through the hell they just did.

Kyo and Tohru took a seat between Kaminari and Mina. He worried they might hold his teaching methods against them, but they didn't seem to mind in the slightest. In fact, they seemed used to it. The explosive shinobi absently ate his salmon while he looked over at the class, which was beginning to slow their eating to a respectable rate. Some of them recovering enough strength to engage in little conversations. Kyo had to commend them for their resolve. Even though most didn't grasp the importance of the training yet, they weren't hopeless by any means. They did put effort into improving themselves and worked diligently to accomplish that feat. And they were incredibly fast learners. Kyo didn't hit them nearly as much as he anticipated he would. 'Maybe, they'll be okay after all.'

"Ahhh, much better!" the bubbly girl sighed happily after finishing her sixth bowl of plain white rice. She smiled at them both from across the table. "Nothing like a good meal after a day of training, am I right?" There were some nods and grunts of agreement from her still eating classmates.

"You did a remarkable job with the martial arts drills," Kyo praised in between bites. Surprising some people. "I didn't even need to correct you once."

Her face brightened at the compliment. "Thank you! I interned at Gunhead's dojo earlier this year, so I learned a lot of these moves already," she explained.

"That explains how you got the drop on my brother earlier," Kyo smirked, shooting Tsubasa a smug look at where he was sitting beside the green-haired boy. He didn't appear to enjoy the teasing but tolerated it. It was the first time Kyo acknowledged his presence willingly for the first time in weeks.

"Well, it looks like we'll have to make the lessons harder for you to make sure you're getting the best out of them," Kyo observed, returning his attention to Uraraka and the rest of the students. There was a chorus of complaints with this announcement.

"Quit your bellyaching. Some of us have real problems to deal with," the shinobi announced, effectively shushing them all into nervous silence.

"What could possibly be troubling you?" Kaminari asked nervously.

"Well, Aizawa-sensei entrusted me to figure something out, but I'm at a loss of what to do to accomplish it," Kyo admitted his cheeks a little pink with embarrassment. His uneasiness immediately got everyone's attention. Before anyone could ask what it was, he pulled something from his pocket and set it on the table. To everyone's disbelief, the item was the average smartphone.

"Aizawa said I have to have one, but I hate these kinds of things, let alone have any idea how to use it. Can someone please help me out?!" Kyo whined, banging his head on the table in defeat. He and Modern technology had a mutual hatred of each other.

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