Thanks For Everything

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Bakugou P. O. V.

The halls of UA were eerily quiet when they exited the teacher's lounge. Only the occasional student from the Support or Business courses passed by them as they made their way back to the dorms. The ash-blonde tried not to dwell on the fact that the other sidekicks had already started their weekend. Either by making last-minute arrangements before heading off-campus for the weekend or helping to set up for their classes weekly game/movie night. 'So glad I'm missing that.'

Despite the lack of people shuffling around the halls, Bakugou found the world too loud and bright for its own good. The after-effects of their teacher's Somnambulist quirk left his mind feeling hazy and disoriented as if coming out of a bad dream. If he had ever experimented with alcohol, he might have compared it to being hungover. 'This fucking sucks,' Bakugou cursed to himself as his fingers squeezed the bridge of his nose to relieve the pressure of his migraine. Just what he needed before his excursion with Kyo.

It could have been worse, he supposed. He could have accidentally spilled the trio's otherworldly secret to Midnight instead of extracting information from her. Bakugou hadn't expected her quirk to affect his body so strongly at such a low dose. Still, after being exposed to it for so long, it eventually slipped past his defenses.

'It's a good thing she sucked at asking questions,' the explosive hero scowled to himself. Referencing how Midnight prioritized his mental wellbeing over pursuing the truth behind his many jabs towards her and Aizawa. She wasn't incompetent by any means. Of all the teachers at UA, she was only a step behind All Might and Aizawa on Bakugou's respect scale after all the time and effort she put into helping Kirishima. Because of this, he knew that their teacher must have seen right through him as he prodded her for information.

"That bitch!" Bakugou cursed under his breath.

"Dude, that's no way to talk about a teacher!" The red-head beside him scolded in a hushed tone. He looked around frantically to make sure no one had overheard. Not that it mattered. Bakugou would gladly repeat it loudly if anyone had the guts to confront him about it.

His face must have conveyed as much because Kirishima immediately pouted cutely at him. "Fine, whatever. Let's just head back before Mina organizes a search party for us."

They passed the first part of their walk with pleasant small talk. Bakugou's mind steadily clearing up a little more with each step. By the time the brisk December air hit their exposed faces, it felt as though the rest of the lingering effects had been expelled out of them. The hothead stopped to take in a few deep breaths. Relishing in the comforting feeling of being free of Midnight's influence.

"So, what did you think about the therapy session?" Kirishima asked, breaking into his thoughts. One of his fingers scratched at his chin sheepishly, which highlighted the fresh bandages that wrapped around his hand. "I know it got a little intense at times, but I swear Midnight knows what she's doing. And she's normally not so forceful either."

Bakugou tore his eyes away from the redhead's injury. "It wasn't the worst thing I've ever done," he admitted irritably. While the future hero didn't appreciate Midnight dissecting his mind and forcing him to talk about his emotions. Bakugou couldn't deny she provided some much-needed information for both of them.


Shitty-hair had just successfully steered the conversation to the topic of nightmares. Bakugou was actually impressed that he managed to keep his voice level when doing so. However, the intensity in which he stared at Midnight as she spoke to them was painfully obvious that he was desperately trying not to look at him. Hopefully, their teacher would chalk that up to him, focusing all his energy on cataloging all the information being unloaded onto them. Again, the lengths Kirishima went to aid his friends surprised Bakugou. It was completely unnecessary in this case. But also very endearing... in an annoying sort of way.

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