CH 19: Food Wars!

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Bakugou P. O. V.

Red, orange, and yellow leaves blow lazily in the late November air. The numerous students were bundling themselves tightly within their winter coats to ward off the chilly breeze, as they hastily sought out shelter after the school day had finally come to an end. After the perils they faced during the Heroics and Quikless classes, the rest of Class A's day was very uneventful. Except for the fact that half the class had to spend it as human-cat hybrids because Tohru was too flustered to release her quirk.

Bakugou wanted the record to show that their female classmates were entirely to blame for this. As soon as it was revealed that Kyo and Tohru were dating, they all but pounced on her like some poor defenseless lamb. Bombarding her with an endless storm of questions. Demanding that she provide in-depth details about their relationship or "Kyoru" as the girls nauseatingly decided their ship name would be from that moment on. Bakugou, of course, didn't care. He just wanted to be turned back into something less fluffy, but considering that any comment about them dating turned the poor timid girl into an embarrassed incoherent mess. It didn't look like that would be happening anytime soon.

In contrast, Kyo seemed to be enjoying the attention of both the overzealous girls and the insanely jealous boys. Either answering questions in extreme detail or poking fun at them by being incredibly vague. All the while, the orange cat ears and tail he sported seemed completely natural on him, considering his mischievous personality. The explosive hero had hoped that Kyo would be able to calm his girlfriend down enough to release her quirk's effects, but one look at the fanged smirk on his face killed any hope of that. So instead, Bakugou settled for removing him from her side to separate another distraction for her.

"Come on, Copycat," Bakugou ordered, grabbing onto Kyo's tail and forcefully started dragging him towards the exit. Ignoring the surprised yowl, he let out or the low growls they morphed into. "You too, Hair-for-Brains."

The ash-blonde's right ear flicked in annoyance as he walked back to the dorms in between Kyo and Kirishima. The latter had been a purring mess all day and was continually nuzzling him thanks to the strong cat instincts that infected their bodies along with the new form. It took all of Bakugou's willpower not to cuddle him back when the redhead was being all cute. He envied Kirishima's ability to snuggle him all he wanted without getting any strange looks since Kirishima loves everyone. It wasn't fair. But the frustration Bakugou felt helped him keep up his annoyed appearance. Which was great since his emotions could be easily read through his body language. This quirk couldn't wear off quick enough.

"Oh come on, it's not so bad," the copper-haired teen laughed when he noticed the blonde's annoyed expression. His laughter increased slightly when Bakugou hissed at him through his slightly sharpened teeth. Kyo rolled his eyes at that and started a conversation with Kirishima instead, "I see you've taken to the form. Are you a cat person?"

The redhead immediately grins. "I like all sorts of animals, though I'm more of a dog person to be completely honest," he admitted with a soft chuckle. It was true. Kirishima had a real soft spot for animals. He even beat Koda in animal trivia a few times on their weekly game nights. "My back up plan if I don't have what it takes to be a hero is to work at some kind of animal facility."

"It was your backup plan," Bakugou corrects harshly. His tail was lashing angrily behind him at the redhead's unconscious statement. "I already told you that you are going to be a hero, so forget the rest of that crap."

Kirishima blinks in surprise. "Oh yeah, thanks, Bakugou. You know I suck at grammar tenses," he lied behind an anxious smile, which made the ash-blonde's heart ache. Bakugou didn't think Kirishima meant to speak in the present tense, but that it slipped out with how lousy he had been feeling lately. Bakugou made a mental note to talk with him later about his growing depression regarding his abilities and qualifications to be a hero. And by "talk," he means knock some sense into him--literally.

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