CH 7: Detention Blues

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Kyo P. O. V.

It was a longer walk back to the classroom than Kyo would have liked. The burns on his side flaring painfully with each step. The remains of his shirt and the bandages on his chest rubbing against the injuries and his other still healing wounds uncomfortably. It took all of his will power not to wince at the discomfort. He can feel eyes on him, though he resists the urge to look around. Kyo's used to eyes on him, with his incredibly bright orange hair and intimidating red eyes. For a shinobi, he sticks out like a sore thumb. Kyo grits his teeth. He doesn't need to justify himself to anyone.

When they arrive at the classroom, Aizawa ushers them in, before slamming the massive door behind them. The air gets cold, with an incredible amount of malice. A more tremendous aura than Kyo thought the underground hero was capable of. He was actually impressed.

Though he maintained his casual demeanor.

Aizawa glared daggers at him as he towered over him. Kyo resists the instinct to growl at the person invading his personal space, though he allows his crimson eyes to narrow into a death glare at the raven-haired hero. The hero doesn't look that impressed by his self-control, which ticks Kyo off even further. He can feel the temperature begin to rise, so he forces himself to calm down. Breaking eye contact before he blows them all sky high on accident. Aizawa seems pleased by this response. He holds his hand out to him. "Hand it over."

Kyo tsks, before fishing out a kunai from his pocket. It was what he used to blind Aizawa with during their fight. 'I guess I shouldn't have done that,' Kyo musses to himself. He reluctantly hands it over to his new sensei, though he gives it a twirl before dropping it into his hand. Aizawa regards it for a few seconds before letting out a long sigh. "Empty your pockets."

"Why?" Kyo muttered, crossing his arms impatiently.

"You expect me to believe this is all of it?"

Kyo really wanted to protest, but the look Aizawa shot him told him that he was absolutely done with his hijinks today. Not wanting to get expelled on the first day, he gritted his teeth and stuffed his hands into his pockets. Pulling out an assortment of kunais and shuriken. He even removed the weapons case hidden on his belt. Ignoring the weird look, Bakugou shot him as he removed an ungodly amount of weapons from his person. "There you happy?"

"Rarely. Is this everything?" Aizawa asked in a bored tone.

"What, do you want me to strip down to my underwear?!" Kyo growled angrily. He was losing his patience.

Aizawa rolled his eyes. "I told you yesterday that weapons are prohibited on school grounds. You will only be allowed to use them in class, or have you forgotten that?" The underground hero looked like he was ready to strangle him at this point.

Kyo crossed his arms angrily. "Yeah yeah, whatever."

"I mean it. I will search you every day if I must. Are we clear?"


"Good. Now both of you take a seat," Aizawa orders with a sigh. The two oblige without question. Bakugou takes his usual seat while Kyo sits down at Kaminari's desk a few seats over. "You're both to sit in silence and reflect on why you're here until Lunch. Please refrain from killing each other or blowing anything up," he says with a wave as he leaves the room. His sleeping bag under his arm as he heads toward the teacher's lounge for a well-deserved nap.

As soon as he leaves, Bakugou shifts in his seat to place both legs up on his desk. Slouching his body in his chair in a more comfortable position. Kyo smirks at that. It seems he's not the only one that enjoys breaking the rules. He places his own legs up on his borrowed desk. He reaches a hand into one of his combat boots and pulls a hidden Kunai out from it. He then proceeds to casually throw it up into the air and catch it as one would do with a ball. Throwing the kunai was more to help distract himself from his injuries and fatigue more than anything else. He was still exhausted after traveling to this world, and his intense fight with Bakugou did not help. Eventually, the familiar motion allowed him to lose himself comfortably in his thoughts. Aizawa had no idea what he unleashed when he told him he couldn't bring weapons to school.

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