Therapy For Two

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Kirishima P. O. V.

The soothing smell of sage and sweetgrass, along with trace amounts of Midnight's Somnambulist quirk, gently filled the back office she used for her therapy sessions with a mesmerizing purple haze. This assortment of aromas was designed to help the students in her care relax, as well as become more at ease during this vulnerable and sometimes triggering experience. Despite the numerous scents filtering through the room, it was in no way overwhelming or overly distracting. The pleasant aroma was smoky with an underlying sweetness, reminiscent of freshly cut cedar being tossed onto a dwindling flame. A scent that never failed to soothe Kirishima after accompanying Bakugou on many of his family camping trips. A quick glance out of the corner of his eye revealed that his hot-headed friend also seemed put at ease by that familiar smell. A welcome treat after enduring a grueling test in English that had left the red-head with a mild migraine.

'Off to a good start,' Kirishima bemused himself. His mind absently recalling the events of the last few hours that led the duo here in the first place.

After the exam, the rest of the school day passed by in a blur. Everyone was too exhausted to engage in the usual class hijinks after spending hours diligently studying the night before. However, an unlucky few were rudely woken up from the mysterious ruckus coming from Bakugou's room in the wee hours of the morning. Class A's sleepy murmurings over breakfast recounted how what started off as a few occasional loud thumps quickly escalated to what sounded like full-on brawling with things smashing and breaking. Apparently, their class president had eventually attempted to put a stop to it but had been scared off when two kunai lodged themselves through the door. Just barely missing him. That excessive response successfully thwarted any further attempts to get involved for the rest of the night.

A few brave souls tried to pry the information about what happened from the two hotheads throughout the day. While the rest of the class shamelessly eavesdropped. However, much to the dorm's disappointment, they both stayed tight-lipped about the incident. Only revealing that they'd be going off campus together this weekend for some obscure reason. Leaving it up to everyone's imagination to what possibly transpired between them.

Not even Kirishima knew the whole truth about the incident. Having felt it wasn't his place to ask. So he had held his tongue on the subject. But the entire situation left a bitter taste in his mouth. He had been looking forward to their sleepover for a couple weeks now since he'd been barred from leaving campus until his mental health improved. Despite this, Kirishima respected Bakugou's wishes knowing he'd only break his promise if he had a good reason to do so. Instead of intruding on Bakugou's personal business, Kirishima had simply requested that his friend accompany him to today's therapy session. Believing it would do Bakugou some good.

At least, the red-head had meant it to be a suggestion. It wasn't until the following morning when Kirishima reflected back on his actions that Kirishima realized that his hazed induced statement came off as an ultimatum.

Guilt immediately consumed the future hero for pressuring Bakugou into something he already felt uncomfortable with. Maybe if he wasn't so heavily drugged up from his new sleeping pills, Kirishima could have been able to suggest it in a way that didn't seem so forceful. However, as Kirishima dwelled on his questionable actions. He had to admit there was one driving force that drove him to do what he did. 'He looked so...distraught last night.'

Kirishima just couldn't shake the image of how troubled his friend had looked when he had snuck into his room that night. Even through the haziness of his mind, Kirishima recalled how Bakugou's hair had been messier than usual. That his clothes were clearly roughed up and also torn in some places as if from a scuffle. The redhead's drowsy eyes were drawn to the frown on Bakugou's face. His trademark scowl nowhere in sight within the room's dim lighting. Finally, there was the way his shoulders sagged slightly in on himself. As if being crushed by the weight of the world itself. Minor details that could easily be explained away or brushed off as something trivial by someone else. But not to Kirishima.

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