Braving The Lioness Den

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Bakugou P. O. V.

The ash-blonde woman's growing interest in Kyo enveloped them like some kind of spectral talon. Bakugou could practically imagine its claws deliberately tightening its grip around them as if it intended to forcibly squeeze the answers from them. This overwhelming presence kept both of them firmly rooted in place on the stairwell. However, as if suddenly bored, the pressure released its hold, almost causing the teens to stumble to the ground.

Wasting no time to question why they were set free, the two explosive teens swiftly scurried up the stairs like some hellspawn was hot on their heels. Their footsteps thumping as quietly as they could, to not further alert his mother that they were up to something they weren't supposed to. Not that it mattered, it was clear from the moment Kyo had opened his mouth that she was onto their little secret.

They closed the door to his bedroom with a soft click. Both of their backs bracing against it as if they expected his mother to start forcing her way through, demanding answers at any second. But only silence met them from the other side of it. With a collective groan, they slid down it until they laid on the cold wooden floor side by side. Their breath coming in erratic bursts with the fear of already being caught by his mom of all people.

Granted, Bakugou knew she had incredibly sharp eyes with a keen intellect to boot. She was his mother, after all. Even still, the Old-Hag had never cared to pry herself into his business before. Trusting that Bakugou would never do anything stupid enough to jeopardize his dream to become the next Number One Hero. So, why did she decide to play the part of the overbearing mother now?

Maybe Bakugou getting involved with villains every other month was awakening some latent mother bear instinct or something? Regardless of the reason, they were so screwed if his mother figured them out now. The Old-Hag absolutely adored Aizawa. Practically smitten with him after hearing the praise he had for Bakugou after his kidnapping. She respected him greatly for recognizing the potential Bakugou had to become a great hero someday. She would surely report back to him in a heartbeat.


"What the hell was that about?" he growled at his counterpart. Not really expecting him to have an answer for him. A hand tiredly pushing Kaidan's face away to prevent him from licking him in his weakened state.

"Your mom probably saw another world version of me in one of these books," Kyo retorted back breathlessly.

"She what?!" Bakugou muttered in surprise. Instantly pushing himself up onto his elbows to glare at the other teen. "What the fuck does that mean?"

The shinobi rolled his eyes at this.

"It means that there are infinite versions of people with the same face and name spread across every world in existence. If we are correct to assume that these books depict the lives of real people in other worlds, and she is indeed an avid reader of such stories. Then it is very likely that your mother has seen someone like me in one of her mangas," Kyo explained in a slow and demeaning tone.

"If you're so smart, why didn't you warn me this could be an issue?" the explosive hero shot back angrily. Not appreciating being talked down to like a child instead of the capable hero he was.

"Honestly, I didn't think she would put two and two together," Kyo admitted, pushing himself up into a sitting position.

"Sounds to me, you were too stupid to recognize the risk your presence creates," Bakugou muttered.

"It doesn't matter!" Kyo shot back, not totally denying the other explosive user's words. "Her recognizing me shouldn't be a problem. As far as your mom knows, I just look like a character from a book and nothing more."

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