Forever love

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This is a story I have been thinking about after I read a story by another writer. It made me think and now I have all theses I ideas for this story.... I am not sure how it is going to go. So, let me begin. If you have any questions please write me, I love comments and feedback.

I write to get things off my mind so sorry if the grammar is wrong, I just write and do not edit.

My name is Emily Rose, and I am seventeen years old and live with my mother in New York City. My parents divorced when I was little, and I never really see my dad. He moved to Florida and I have never been interested in going to see him since he left me when I was little without looking back. He has not contacted me in all these years so why should I try.

Tonight, I am to excite to even think about my family issues. I am going to a concert of my favorite band in this world. They are called waterfall and their music speaks to me. That is the only good thing about where my dad lives is because my favorite band is from Orlando, Florida and is traveling the states on a big six-month tour. And they are starting here in New York.

That is why I am standing here in the middle of the mall going to different stores looking for the best outfit to wear. I know I have had plenty of time to get the best outfit, but I just never found one I like. It is not like I can show up in just jeans and a tank top, which would never get their attention. So, I am looking for the perfect one. As I am scanning a rack at my favorite shop gator in the mall, I spot some cute dresses and I scan through them I fine a cute pink and black dress with spaghetti straps. As I pull it off the rack I turn around just to run into a solid chest.

I am so surprised by the impact I drop everything that was in my hands including my purse which fall open and my phone rolls out. I am such a spaz always embarrassing myself. I been over quickly not looking at the stranger I have just turned into. As I finally look up after picking my purse and the dress up, I look into the sexiest blue eyes I have ever seen. I notice a smile form on his lips as he realizes I have caught him staring at me, so I take the time to check him out. And he looks hot. I cannot believe I ran into him. I realize we are both staring and not saying something, so I quickly start to clear my throat...

"Ummmm... I am so sorry," I started to ramble.

"It's ok, don't worry about it." He said smiling at me.

But I could not look at him with a straight face I was so embarrassed. So, I turned as quickly as I could and started walking away. I had only gone about five steps when I felt a tingle on my upper arm where l huge hand was resting gently. "Wait, please don't go. I didn't even get your name." he spoke to me with an interesting look in his eyes that couldn't describe.

He slowly removed his hand as I turned to face him with a curious smile on my face. I do not know what it was about this guy, but he gave me butterflies in my stomach. I placed my hand out in front of me and introduced myself because I knew if I did not, I would regret it later.

"My names Emily and you are?" I asked shaking his hand.

With the biggest smile on his face he took my hand and raised it to his mouth, "Its Adam"

With that I could not resist I had to flirt and learn more about him. "So, Adam, what brings you here? I don't think I have ever seen you around here before?" I could not help noticing the smile on his face as he took in my question.

Adams POV

Adam looked around to see if anyone was watching him. I cannot believe they found me I left the hotel we are staying into just go for a walk. Being away from my family is hard I love my five brothers and my parents so much. I know I am twenty and traveling with a band should be fun but I think I am tired of playing games with people I just want to meet someone that will love me for me and not because I am a lead singer in the up and coming band Waterfall.

As I turned the corner to the mall, I spotted the cameras coming my way, so I quickly entered the mall and walked into the first store I saw which was called Gator. I was not paying attention to busy looking behind me to see the most beautiful girl I have ever seen turn quickly from the run right into me. I quickly reached out to steady her. She dropped to the ground to retrieve her purse and dress that dropped to the floor. I was in shock at seeing such a beautiful girl I forgot how to speak. I guess she realized I was not going to say something, so she started talking.

"Ummmm... I am so sorry," she started to ramble.

"It's ok, don't worry about it." I said smiling like an idiot, I do not know what it is about this girl, but she is giving me tingles and I do not want to let her go.

I was too busy staring at her I did not notice right away that she had turned and started to walk away. "Wait, please don't go. I didn't even get your name." I said reaching out to grab her upper arm being cautioned to being gentle, so I did not startle her.

When she started to turn around, I let her go as she gave me a shy smile. I could not help the grin that came to my face.

"My names Emily and you are?" she asked shaking my hand.

With the biggest smile on my face I took her hand and raised it to my mouth, "Its Adam"

She had a flash of excitement in her eyes after I did that "So Adam, what brings you here? I don't think I have ever seen you around here before?"

I thought if I should tell her the truth or lie. But there was something about her that I knew I could trust her.

So, I took a deep breath and told her who I was...

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