Saying GoodBye is hard to do

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Emily POV

I slowly open my eyes and regret morning for coming so soon. I cannot believe Adam leaves today.

After last night I don't want him to go anywhere I know we just met a week ago but I will miss him so much and last night he proved he was committed to me in more than one way.

After we left the Tattoo place Adam took me for a walk in the park and walked me back to the mall, I was a little confused until he walked into Gator and started talking.

"Emily we first met in this store and it was the best day of my life, and now I will bring you back here to make another great day in my life." I watched as he got down on one knee.

"Emily, I know it's only been a week, but I promise to be with you and only you for the rest of my life will you marry me?"

I was shocked so I just stood there staring at the ring in his hand. I slowly nodded my head and jumped into his arms.

I love you Adam so much

"I love you Emily Rose" and with that said he kissed me.

I was brought out of my daydream by a hand sliding up and down my body.

Adam get up you have to pack you are leaving soon, I told him while walking to the shower I was just about to turn on the water when Adam pressed himself to my back and reached around me and turned on the water I guess we will be saying good bye in the shower this morning to.


Adam POV

After this morning in the shower I was ready to get the tour over with so I could return to my angel. I know that she is the only one for me.

As I was loading up my bags in the van one of my band's mates came up to give me a hand. He started asking where I had been lately because normally, we all hung out together.

I was about to tell him about Emily but as soon as I opened my mouth, she walked out the front door of the hotel and stated walking towards us. My band mate James quickly called dibs I was pissed. No one was going to touch my girl.

I looked at James and told him to keep his hands to himself. He had a confused look on his face until Emily started to run and jumped right into my arms wrapping her legs around my waist while kissing me.

Man, I was going to miss this girl. I was so wrapped into the kiss that I barley heard the throats being cleared.

I looked up to see all four of my best friends/ band mates looking at me and Emily like we had lost our minds.

I stopped kissing Emily and turned to my friends with Emily still in my arms.

"Guys this is Emily my fiancé." their faces dropped because I have never been serious with any girl before and for them to meet Emily and me to announce she was my fiancé was a shock for sure.

"Emily these are my closest friends and band mates James, Brian, Eric, and Zack." she turned to them and gave her cute smile while saying hi.

Emily POV

I am so embarrassed, the first time I meet his friends and it is when I am in his arms making out in front of the hotel. I bet they think I am slut. I see their shocked faces when Adam tells them I am his fiancé.

I love hearing him say that. I cannot wait for the word to know he is off the market.

I slowly start to unwrap my legs from Adams waist and slide down his body. I can feel how aroused he is by the hard spot in his pants, so I slowly rub myself against him having his arms wrap around my waist.

I know I am going to have to let him go and I will miss him so much. I look at his band mates and turn back to Adam.

Ok Baby I will let you go beautiful and remember have fun but remember I have your heart and you have mine. I told him while leaning up to kiss him again.

"Ok Sweetheart, remember I will leave you a ticket at the airport with Jet Blue for you to come to Florida. ok I have already arranged the details so a car will take you to the concert were your ticket and backstage pass will be waiting for you and I will be your escort from there."

Okay baby sees you in six months I love you.

I started to walk away and with every step I took my heart broke because I knew I was going to miss him so much and I prayed that the feelings Adam and I shared were real.

We talked about calling each other while we were gone but decided to just wait to see each other so we would not get depressed and ruin the tour.

Adam had to focus and I agreed with that so for now we would wait to see what would happen and in six months I will be with the man I love and meeting his family for the first time.

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