Beach Party

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Adam's POV

It has been four months since I have seen or spoken to my angel. I know she is ok because I keep reading about her in the paper. She has taken over her mother's business and is staying with her father until she turns 18. I know she is not happy about that because she really did not know her dad.

I have two more months until I go home to Florida and I hope she is there waiting for me. I watch the guys every night goes out to different parties and get drunk, but I will not go. I have faith in my relationship with Emily and I know wherever she is she is thinking about me.

Just two more months and I see my angel I cannot wait.

Just as I am about to go to bed my phone starts to ring. I check the name it is my brother Aaron he is the only one that calls. I think it is because we are so close, but I would do anything for any of them. Aaron just has a secret that I told him I would guard with my life.

Hey Aaron, what is gone on?

"Hey Adam, nothing much I just had a great day and I wanted to share it with you." he told me and I knew he was smiling it has been so long since he was really happy.

So, what made you so happy bro, you have not been in this good of a mood in a long time? I asked with amusement and happiness.

"Well I met someone today and I told her about me, and she is so great, and I think I have a new best friend." he said quickly with excitement in his voice.

So, you met a girl? I asked this is strange

" yeah, she is beautiful, but I told her I do not like girls and that I was gay, and she was happy for me. Plus, she is into music and said she might be able to help me out. And guess what she lives next door." He said

I was shocked the neighbors had a daughter if we have been here, they only had two sons. I wonder where this girl came from.

Well that's great Aaron but I am going to go to bed so I can dream about my angel. I told him. I did not care who knew it I was in love.

"Alright Adam I can't wait to meet this mystery girl you are keeping from all of us."

You will soon enough she is coming to the last show and the fire. You will meet her than. Goodnight,

I hung up before he could go on. I knew he would tell my mother in the morning and she will start making plans. I cannot wait for them to meet my angel.

Aaron POV

I could not sleep after I got off the phone with Adam, so I started walking around the house. I noticed my mom in the kitchen so I thought I would tell her about Emily, and Adams girl coming into town,

Hey mom, watch done. I asked sitting on a bar stool.

"Hey hunny, I was just washing some dishes. What have you been doing today?" she asked turning around with a smile.

Well I met someone, and I invited her to come to the beach fire on Friday. She just moved here and is staying at Jarrods and Jerry's place

My mother turned around so fast I thought she might hurt herself.

"Are you sure she is staying there, because I have known Jennifer for years and I never knew anything about them having a daughter." she asked looking at me like I said something wrong.

No, mom I dropped her off there today we met in town and I gave her a ride home.

But anyways I just got off the phone with Adam, he is doing well, and he keeps talking about his fiancé. I do not know mom, but he sounds like he is in love.

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