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Emily POV

Its been three months since I put the house up for sale and moved to Florida to be with my dad. He was a little surprised to hear from me. He told me he thought of me often, but my mother would never let him see me do to his lifestyle.

My father has a big house that has about five bedrooms with their own baths and extra rooms for who knows what. I was surprised when I got here to find out that my dad had remarried and has two boys with his new wife. Her name is Jennifer and she seems sweet. The boys are Jarrod who is 16 and Jerry who is 13. They all seem nice.

I normally say in my room and stare at a poster of Adam when I am at home or I go to my office which is down the hall in the basement.

When I moved in I told my dad about the business and how it is now mine and how I needed to find a space to run the business from here but also have a recording studios so I could find new talent. My dad was so excited he decided to let me have the whole basement and built me everything I needed now I run the company without leaving the house

I do not mind leaving specially since I have not told them I was pregnant. I wear a sweater every day and keep the rooms cold so no one questions me, and I go to a doctor who I pay double to keep his mouth shut.

My doctor is a nice man he understands what I am going through, and he tells me everything will work out. He asked once who the baby father was, and I told him that he was away but should be back before I give birth. I just hope Adam accepts this baby.

I had just left the doctors like I do every 1st of the Month when I ran right into a guy with the most beautiful eyes. I was lost in those eyes they looked just like Adams.

"oh, I am so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going" he told me helping me up. I noticed he bent down to pick up something handing them to me.

As I looked down, I realized I dropped my ultrasound pictures. " Oh, thank you so much I would hate to lose those." I told him taking the photos.

" NO problem, I was the one who ran into you, so are you new around her I don't think I have seen you before"

"I well you could say that" I told him giving him a smile " Moved here a few months ago to live with my dad and don't get out much because of work." I told him he was so nice it reminded me of Adam.

"Well, my name is Aaron and I would love to show you around some time if your boyfriend doesn't mind." giving me a smile.

I reached down and touched my belly with my hand and touched the ring with the other hand. Wow I missed Adam so much. I looked back at Adam and knew there was something about him that I could trust so I told him the truth.

"Aaron my name is Emily and my fiancé is away right now but I could use a friend if you are willing to be that than you can, But I love my fiancé and I can't wait for him to get back so I am not going to see anyone else like that while he is away." I told him giving him a chance to run away if he wanted to.

"Emily I would like to be your friend you seem like a great girl." he said holding his arm out for me to take. I was so happy that I finally made a friend I could be myself around.

So, Aaron what do you do around here for fun? I asked hoping he would know about a beach or music or something that I could enjoy keeping me out of the house.

Aaron POV

I so need to watch were I am going I just ran into this beautiful girl and made her drop her stuff. I am such a dick.

Um I would like to get some. Man, it is so hard being gay and I cannot tell my friends because they will laugh at me or beat me up for being gay.

I cannot wait for my brother to get home from his tour. He has a fiancé now and the whole family cannot wait to meet her. We are so happy that he is finally dating we did not think he ever would he was always into music and said girls get in the way.

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