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It has been four weeks since I told Aaron he was going to be an Uncle and tonight I will be seeing Adam. I am so nervous. I cannot wait to see Adam and I am nervous to see how he will react to finding out that he is going to be a father and the fact that I know his family.

I take a deep breath as I look in the mirror, I do not know what to wear I feel so fat I am six months pregnant and I feel huge. I pulled on a pair of jeans because I am not in the mood to wear anything else and I am standing in my closet looking for a top.

"Hey Em" Aaron yells from my door. I guess Jennifer or my dad let him in. They are used to Aaron being here, ever since I told Aaron about me and Adam he hasn't left my side and he says it's so hard not to tell Adam what is going on because he talks to him once a week and says Adam always talks about seeing me and ask Aaron how his best friends is which is me but he doesn't know that. He just wants to make sure Aaron is happy. But tonight, Adam finds out that his brothers' best friend is also his fiancé. Wish me luck.

Hey Aaron, I cannot find a shirt to wear, nothing fits, and I do not want your brother to be disappointed or embarrassed by me. I said walking into my bedroom still in my pj top.

"Em he is going to love anything you wear, just choose your favorite top that you are comfortable because remember after the concert is the party." Aaron said smiling at me.

Okay let me find one, Oh, Aaron did you find the number to the airlines I need to cancel my ticket so your brother can get his money back since I do not need it. I asked pulling my pink cami over my belly than a white pull over. Yep this would work I said to myself as I investigated the window.

"Yeah Em I took care of it a few days ago because when I was talking to Adam he said something about you picking up a ticket and flying here so when I got off the phone with him I went ahead and canceled the flight and the car that was supposed to pick you up so you can just ride with me." he said before taking a big breath.

Thanks Aaron you are the best I am almost ready let me just grab my purse and the pictures. Oh, what are we doing about the ticket that he left for me? I was curious if I still needed it since I was going with Aaron, but he just shook his head.

"Em you don't need that either we have backstage passes for the whole family and when I talked to Adam he was so excited that I had a best friend he gave me one for you to so we are just going to leave that ticket alone."

Okay if you say so I am so excited to see him lets go. I said as I walked out my bedroom door and down the stairs.

"Hey Emily, you look nice" Amy said walking out of the kitchen.

Thanks Amy is everyone almost ready to go. I asked because I could not wait to get there and see him.

"Yeah, but we are going to let you and Aaron go ahead and we will meet you there we just have to finish up some last-minute details for the party." Amy said giving me a hug.

Okay bye everyone, I said as I grabbed pulling Aaron out to his car while he just laughed at my excitement.


Adam's POV

Tonight, I get to see my angel, I cannot wait it has been six months and I miss her so much. I know my family is going to love her. I hope her and my brothers get along. My family is everything to me and knowing they love her like I do will make everything perfect.

I haven't talked to my angel in a few days she said she was busy with work, She told me she is working with a new band and they are putting together their first album and I am going to love their music. I cannot stop feeling jealous that another band is spending time with my girl. Man, I cannot wait to have her in my arms.

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